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  1. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    That's a good idea. I've been repurposing the double-sided sticky tape he ignored when I put it on the counter :)
  2. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    Thanks for the feedback/thoughts..... He has a fairly big cat tree situation on the other side of the room (by the window for cat TV). I decided to move it next to the couch (where my bar rack is) so it's closer to me. He also has a smaller scratching triangle/cave (see pics below) that I move...
  3. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    LOL!! On the bright side when this happens it feels like it's more of a conversation between friends.
  4. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    Thanks for these links. I think I saw both of them before I was sold on the idea. I forgot about Jackson's because the info was SO basic. On the other hand, the Karen Pryor stuff was way too intense. Now that I'm more familiar they will both be helpful resources.
  5. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    Thanks for the reply.... it totally makes sense that C+R reinforces good behavior. I get the feeling that cats with challenging personalities train us (LOL) I guess I can hope that the chewing is caused by boredom and training is entertaining enough. Then once he's trained if I think he might...
  6. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    Thanks for answering me Furballsmom. I have searched quite a bit and I haven't seen any youtube postings by J Galaxy demoing/showing clicker training specifically. He does highly recommend it, so his books might have some info as part of a chapter. Unfortunately, I'm currently unemployed so...
  7. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    It's been a while since I've posted regarding Finn and his behavior issues. He's still very much a teenager at 10 months on the bright side as he gets older he seems to be slightly calmer. Unfortunately, he still has teenage behaviors that make him a menace. He has yet to totally outgrow the...
  8. F

    Help with my new semi aggressive Siamese mix

    He really is.... he's also very sweet when he's calm and not biting me.
  9. F

    Help with my new semi aggressive Siamese mix

    I own and have thought about it. Weird thing is that he doesn't seem to like height when he isn't zooming around. I got him a tree that has 3 levels and I need to coax him to climb to the top 2.
  10. F

    Help with my new semi aggressive Siamese mix

    Isn't that the truth.... my space was built in the 40's - the rooms are built around/connected by a tiny hall (4' x 5') so he gets "stuck" either in the 20' living room or the 20' section which is my room plus hall. In both cases, he uses the furniture (my bed or the couch) where I'm sitting as...
  11. F

    Help with my new semi aggressive Siamese mix

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions. Right now I'm furloughed from work and not going out much so I'm noticing everything. Growing up there were always cat(S) in my house never just one. Maybe that's why I've never had any of these issues in this way. Plus I grew up in a house. A second...
  12. F

    Help with my new semi aggressive Siamese mix

    I adopted Finn, a 6 month old Siamese mix about a month ago from a rescue group. I was told he was such a sweet boy that will follow you everywhere. The first day home he quickly settled in and he was exactly that - a sweet boy who followed me. That lasted about 24 hours - he's still sweet and...