Search Results

  1. IsaAndNena

    Not using litter box

    So this is going to be a bit of a gross post. Recently my cat (1yr old) has been going to the bathroom outside of the litter box. Yesterday I found pee on my floor hidden away in a corner, and then looking around more of the house there were spots all with dry urine. Last week she went to the...
  2. IsaAndNena

    Behaviour after spaying

    Hi guys, so recently my 11month old cat was spayed. Before her spaying she was defensive aggressive, swating, biting (ranging from nibbles to going ham on my hand), not sleeping with me in bed, not enjoying pets, and would hiss if annoyed (which was often). The only times she would really be...
  3. IsaAndNena

    Birthday meal

    Hi all! my cats first birthday is right around the corner and I want to give her something special for the big day. Does anyone have any fresh meal recipes they know? She’s intolerant to fish and lives chicken and turkey especially:)
  4. IsaAndNena

    Too cute

    Walked into my living room and saw this, my heart melted 😭❤️
  5. IsaAndNena


    Admittedly I’ve had this account for a while but have never done an introduction 😅 so here we are! Hello from Nena and I! Nena is an 11 month old Maine Coon Turkish Angora mix. She’s a bit feisty and has a habit of trying to fight her vet techs but at home she’s the sweetest silliest girl ever...
  6. IsaAndNena

    Spay incision

    Hi friends, my cat got spayed last Thursday and I was checking her incision and noticed she has a small little opening. It’s very very small so I want to ask if this is normal or if I should be taking her to the vet. Does this healing look normal?
  7. IsaAndNena

    Cone and ears

    Hi all! My cat recently had her spay surgery done (Thursday) and ever since then she has been wearing the plastic e-collar. I noticed yesterday that she now has bumps and blisters on her ears. Has anyone else experienced the same thing with their cat? She gets acne on her chin when we used to...
  8. IsaAndNena

    What’s wrong with kitten’s lower lip?

    Hi! I noticed just now that my cat has this swelling on her bottom lip. It’s not red and when I touch it it doesn’t seem to bother her but nevertheless it’s pretty big so I don’t know what to make of it. She doesn’t have any other issues like sneezing, nose or eyes discharge, or behaviour...