Search Results

  1. LadyBoneFlowers

    My ringworm story.

    How I cured my cats of Ringworm. I adopted two amazing 12 week old kittens from a local cat Rescue who I named Siouxsie and Salem. I was so very happy to be a cat mom. When I brought them home they lived in my bedroom for about 3 weeks. I finally started to introduce them to the rest of the...
  2. LadyBoneFlowers

    My cats have RINGWORM!!!

    Hello! I’m new here. I adopted my two sweet babies back in October from a local rescue. They are now 4 months. A few weeks ago I noticed my little boy had a bald patch on his hind leg. I took them into the vet and showed that he had ringworm from a woodslamp test (I can’t afford the culture...