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  1. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Oh good to know!
  2. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Oh vet also said that now he has made it to a week old his odds of making it are much yay!!!
  3. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Still alive and doing good. I called and talked to my vet to schedule and she said no need to bring them in right now. Said it could have been a multitude of reasons the others passed. Such things like congenital defects, a young mama not knowing how to care for so many kittens etc. She have me...
  4. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    She was treated with flea medicine regularly. She was also treated with deworming medicine and I have tape worn medicine for her as well. She and baby are inside for now. Will keep them inside until baby is healthier and happy. She will be getting fixed for sure!! Unfortunately she will be...
  5. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Update: kitten could be heard nursing throughout the night, or it certainly sounded like it. Mama cat was purring throughout the night. Still wish I knew what happened to the other 4 kitties. Why they all didn't make it?!?!
  6. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    I will keep everyone updated. And if nothing else I now have kitty formula to donate to the vet or a local animal rescue! Prayers appreciated for this little guy. If he makes it he is going to need an amazing name!!!
  7. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Good to know! Kids and I were getting a little worried when she would leave and want petted or come see us, but then I figured like any new Mom maybe she needs a break too!! I really appreciate all of your input
  8. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    *starting to fill out
  9. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    I am encouraged in that he looks like he is staying to fill out, he doesn't look bad. I am probably so panicky because of the loss of the other kitties. I will follow up with the vet regarding distemper.
  10. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    He definitely used to cuddle up with his litter mates! Now all he has is her. Should I put a stuffed animal in there for him?? Do you think maybe he is nursing then. I cannot tell at all if she has milk. As in I have no idea how to tell?? She doesn't look big and full of milk like how I think...
  11. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Unfortunately it is a drive to the animal hospital from here and I have young children at home, 1 already in bed, that have to go to school tomorrow
  12. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    I suppose he seems content. He curls up, snuggles with mama and sleeps. When he is latched on he uses his front paws and is like kneading her and mama cat just purrs. Does not seem to be any different. He cries if I mess with him and pull him away from her or if she leaves their bed (to eat etc).
  13. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    I will call the vet. I am so afraid by tomorrow we will lose the last kitty. We have lost one a day almost since birth Thank you for your reply
  14. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    My scale doesn't weight grams that small. According to my scale he weighed 5 oz.
  15. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    As long as he is with his mama though he does not cry
  16. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    I have not tried weighing it but I certainly can try that. It mostly only cries if I pull him away from mama or mama leaves him to eat etc. It does appear as though he is latching on to her. I even tried placing a hand on his throat to see if he swallowing but I cant tell. She seems very...
  17. N

    Need Help Asap Please!

    Hello all. I have an outside barn cat that I had rescued as a small kitten. She is about 11 months old possibly a year. Anyway she had a little of kittens (she will be getting spayed) this past Friday, the 27th. She had 5, 1 was dead once I found her and where she was laboring. I dont know if it...