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  1. M

    Stealing the other’s beds

    Hello all! Everything has been going pretty well in the household now that we are about a year since we introduced the 2nd cat. The resident cat still shows dominance behavior like walking up and smacking the other in the face for no good reason. But they do chase each other around and play and...
  2. M

    Intro Update - 10 month mark

    Hello everyone! I wanted to chime back in here as an update with cat intros plus share some pictures. It’s been about 10 almost 11 months now with our two cats. M1 resident cat who is almost 2. M2 is new cat who is about 3.5 years old. (their real names are Mango and Melon but I’ve always...
  3. M

    Is neck biting a dominance thing?

    We are at about month 6 of introducing the two cats. They play practically daily (chasing each other back and forth). They will lay in the same vicinity but not snuggled. I would say the closest they’ve laid together was recently on our bed at night about a foot away from one another. Previous...
  4. M

    For Anyone Struggling With Introductions... It Can Get Better!

    I had a previous post on here asking for help with our two cats M1 and M2 (Mango and Melon). We got M1 first as a 6 month old kitty and after half a year we brought in M2 who is about 3 years old. Integration was rough to start. But things have improved steadily and slowllyyyy. Just as...
  5. M

    Is Some Fur Flying Ok?

    If you know my previous post, we are introducing our two cats. Our new cat M2 has been getting braver overtime. She’s come downstairs on her own more often and will hang out on the stairs more often when we are home versus hidden in our bedroom. We still have several instances where our...
  6. M

    How To Help Our New Cat Gain Confidence?

    Apologies in advance for being lengthy. We have a 1 yr old F (spayed) cat for about 7 months now. I'll call her M1. We adopted a second 3 yr old F (spayed) cat three weeks ago. Initially we kept the new cat, M2, in her own room but we started site swapping early because she would always want to...