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  1. T

    Stomatitis Relief

    Hope it helps! I use "thorne research"curcumen. It's 500 mg. A tablespoon of turmeric only has 3 grams of curcumen! My cats been fine now for months. I just have to give her about a bb size amount of the powder every 4-6 hours when I feed her. I also use it for myself for stiff back problems...
  2. T

    Stomatitis Relief

    Hi, I had Gizzy's teeth pulled a few years ago... Last year the stomatitis re-emerged with a vengeance, and the vet had me trying various antibiotics, and eventually prednisone. None of that was satisfactory, but I want to share, and hopefully help someone (human and feline!) with a discovery...
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    I've been suspicious about the Revolution also... then read these threads. I gave it to Gizzy and then she started vomiting (BUCKETS of clear fluid) again. She's been eating well, and looks happy and healthy except for the once a day vomit. It's been two mornings in a row now, after application...
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    Stomatitis Success

    Thanks! I'm aware of that, in fact I used to give her dry... But she has gotten used to wet, and she calls the shots! I forgot to mention that curcumin is a strong anti-inflammatory. That's where I got the idea, from a human pain site for arthritis...
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    Stomatitis Success

    I have been battling stomatitis for years... 3 years ago I even had all of my cat's teeth extracted. Prednisone and various antibiotics only helped here and there. They also made her sick. Prednisone is very dangerous and problematic for long term use. To get to the point, I want to share...
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    Looking For Testimonials On Treating Stomatitis

    Hi, I have been through many months/years of prednisone and various antibiotics. Both have had major side effects, and not really helped much. But I did find, miraculously, an answer that really works! I doesn't cure the disease, but stops all the symptoms. It's called curcumin. It's an extract...