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  1. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    So after 3 months, the cat has started to come out. The music really help and so did reading to her. Today, however; was her spay and getting her into a carrier wasn't fun. Both she and I were super stressed. I'm just hoping that when she comes home she will be ok as there is no way for me to...
  2. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Stay tuned! Thank you all for your help and support.
  3. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Meant to say 'relax my cat'. Lol
  4. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    I got calm my cat and it seems to be really helping. Thank you!
  5. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Thank you for the kind comments. I'll try a brush for sure as shes letting me pet her more now.
  6. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    I thought so too.... but she may have just gotten scared and froze. We shall see.
  7. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Thank you for commenting. I appreciate your concern however the shelter wont euthanize her. She could be more suited to a heated barn if we can't get her to come around. Like I said, everyone is different. Happy for you that you could have a pet that didnt come around, but I can't. This is why...
  8. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Hi and thank you for the tips. I will try some of these things. I may have not explained myself well with regards to the shelter. They are willing to work with me, but have left it up to me to decide how long or if I think she will come around. In all fairness, like I said in my first post, I...
  9. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Thank you. I appreciate the kind words and help. I'll try to keep being patient. Dogs are so different and I've only ever had dogs...but no kids or animals here other than the kitty.
  10. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Thank you. I will. Her scratch thing on the floor has some in it and she doesnt use it but maybe if I get a toy and put some in it or something. I appreciate your help. Thank you.
  11. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Hi and thank you. I appreciate the kind words. I'm trying my hardest. I put a lamp in her room and played some classical music on my iPad for her. Its relaxing now. Better than a bright light. Lol Problem is I don't have all the time. We are reevaluating Dec 1 to see what progress she has made...
  12. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Hi! Yes, I'm talking to her softly and going about my business, plus I play the movie app on my ipad to get her used to normal sounds. When I pet her I talk softly also. Always trying everything to get her out of hiding without pushing her.
  13. OrnamentGirl75

    Help & Guidance Needed For Foster To Adopt Cat Hiding

    Hi, I am fostering to adopt a cat from the shelter. She had kittens when they had her and once they were ready to adopt, they separated them from her. They figure she is around 2-3 years old. She's a snowshoe/siamese. I've had her for 5 weeks. I've tried everything to help her gain confidence...