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    Cat struggling to walk ... help please

    my 4yr old orange tabby cat has never had health problems, but noticed when he woke up today he was walking "drunk" his hind legs were struggling and one of his front ones was dragging. just a couple hours ago before bed he was totally fine. he is eating and using the litter just fine. he is...
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    Cat retching and occasionally vomiting. Been about 1 1/2 days.

    my 2 3yr old cats have been retching and vomiting white flem. poop is fine and they're playing still. just sleeping in the meatloaf position and retching here and there. help?
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    Cat has tapeworm feedback suggestions appreciated

    So my 2 year old cat has tapeworm im like 99% sure it is that type. little white rice specs near the anus. parents bought him a dewormer for roundworms said there was none for tapeworm will that help?
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    My Cat Has An Abscess Under His Tail And Is Acting Weird. I Drained The Puss Out

    He's whining and trying to avoid sitting on his tail. hes always twitching a bit. help please im a bit over whelmed
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    Cat Has Pink Eye/conjunctivitis

    i went to my local petco and bought some top of the line eye drops the directions say to apply 2-3 drops but not how many times i should do this through out the day... Any help?
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    Worried About Garfields...

    so my male cat garfields is 19 months old. the last 2 weeks hes been whining late at night to go out which hes never done before. hes not spayed (we are gonna get him done vets just been super busy) so im assuming thats the reason. i was conflicted in letting him out but he keeps everyone up at...
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    Neosporin Safe For Cats?

    cat got a small wound on foot wondering if i can put some neosporin cream on it
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    My Cat Zeus Whining At Night. Cant Sleep Sometimes.

    hes 17 months old. it happened about a week ago usually occurs at night. ive notcied him sneezing and having a somewhat running nose. Also is it normal after cats are done eating dry food for there to be a little excess saliva on the bowl? thanks. he usually stops whining after a give him...
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    Noticed My 2 Male Cats Breathe Smell Like Fish. Was Looking To Clean Their Teeth. Any Advice?

    its a pain for them to open their mouth while still... i just dont want them to get any type of mouth illness or gingivitis.
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    Zeus Has Been Meowing Late At Night For No Reason Any Ideas?

    hes 16 months old. hes been sneezing alot and looks like he has a running nose. he eats and drinks water normally. just late at night he does it usually at a wall...
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    16 Month Old Male Kitten Randomly Whining Through Night???

    male cat zeus is a little on the fatter side. he eats alot and we separate him so he wont eat his brothers/sisters meals. lately hes been sneezing when sleeping and whines throughout the nIght. Any answers?
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    Cat Stool Was Diarrhea Like With Blood And Had Tiny White Rice Like Worms???

    just noticed this today. any ideas or help?
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    Chata Who Was Diagnosed With Fip Has Passed Away :(

    about 2 and a half weeks ago my cat Chata was diagnosed with FIP. The vets gave us days thatll she live. she survived 2 and a half weeks. i tried everything went to multiple vets, countless research , sleepless nights to all try and save her and extend her life. it helped but i couldnt escape...
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    Update With Chata Who Was "diagnosed" With Fip :(

    shes slowly deteriorating... shes getting really skinny and sleeps around but she has this own side where shes playful affectionate and she looks like she wants to improve but its such a struggle to feed her. she doesn't eat anything unless we force feed her baby food with a syringe.. Any tips??
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    Chata Was Diagnosed With Fip Last Night :(

    Was there anything i could have done to prevent this? i know the vet told me it wasnt my fault and it was out of our control. i just never lost something so close to me. All the memories i will cherish and the bond we had was something ive never experienced before. First day on the site btw...