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  1. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    I was reminded of this thread and thought would update. Although one kitten didn't make it the other one did and thrived. He turned out to be a she, and she is the most wonderful and precious kitten which I am so lucky to be owned by. Thanks so much to all who replied to me last year it was a...
  2. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Due to some extraordinary circumstances my cat unexpectedly had 2 kittens recently, but sadly the runt, who was born with several problems didn't make it. I'd appreciate any tips to help mum with her grief, and the remaining kitten who is now solitary. Thanks
  3. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Sad to report she didn't make it. :-( she was doing well, then started to refuse food, became quite solitary not cuddling with mum or brother, we found her out of the nest a few times. Vet appointment made but too late. :-( Hardest thing is seeing the mum upset :-(
  4. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    She is continuing to feed well, and put on weight (not as much as I would like, nor anywhere near as much as her brother) I just hope that won't affect the rest of her life. She has always been a rapid breather, which the vet thought would calm as she got bigger, but no sins of it yet. Will...
  5. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Had to go out for 3 hours, weighed her on return and she has put on 8g since this mornings weigh in so pleased with this :-) Then she took almost 4ml so that was good too. I do give her a stroke all over, though haven't specifically been feeling for burps - but I will now. Mum is also very good...
  6. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Thank you both. I have tried a bit to get on her other nipples (they've both chosen two next to each other hence the struggles if Mum is one left side she an't get to hers) but no success and when I squeeze the other nipples there is no milk so think she's sticking to that one she has chosen...
  7. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Here she is this morning :-)
  8. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    So she has only put on 2 grams in this morning's weighing, which is a little disappointing - especially as I gave her 7ml of feed so I guess that it was only my feeding that she got, rather than Mum's milk? It so frustrating watching her trying to feed, she isn't very good at getting to nipple...
  9. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Ah got ya! Thought you were looking for something specific!! Here's little and large. And good news she has put on 15g since yesterday mornings weighing. I've gave her 5x1ml additional feeds, the rest she's done herself :-) will keep giving her 1ml feeds, doesn't seem a lot but she fusses...
  10. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Thanks both, I gave her 1ml 1.5 hours ago, and another 2ml just now. So will keep doing that every couple of hours. My worry is either overfilling her, or stressing her or mum out and making things worse. But will keep doing every couple of hours. I just wasnt sure if should be waking her...
  11. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Thanks for advice. She weighed 78g at birth 3 weeks ago and up to 160g now. She has put on 4g since this morning, but will likely of lost by tomo I think as that's what's been happening, think it is overnight she suffers. I've been trying her with syringe, she moves her head out the way and...
  12. G

    3 Week Kitten Not Gaining Weight

    Hi all. Newbie here, every search I do leads me to your site so seems like a good advice, hope I can benefit from. Unexpectedly my cat had kittens (she was supposed to be spayed!) The runt has never been a great feeder, putting on only a gram or two each day. She also is a very fast...