Search Results

  1. macncheese18

    Android Vs Ios?

    I personally think that the iPhones are actually easier to navigate compared to androids. I've found that androids offer a lot of personalized options whereas iPhones tend to have more standard settings. I switched from a galaxy to an iPhone and I definitely don't regret it! All the options and...
  2. macncheese18

    Does Anyone Else Give Their Cats Nicknames?

    Yep Mac N' Cheese (his official name) has tons of nicknames: Bubba (the one I use most often) Mac Macaroni (when I'm upset with him) Macky (his daddy uses this one most often) Macklemore Macky Cheese Macintosh Baby Boy My friend has two kittens too named Arlo and Wallace and hers goes like...
  3. macncheese18

    Not Eating 5 Month Old Kitten

    I’m already planning on taking him to the vet today after work. I don’t think he swallowed a foreign object, he’s pretty good about only putting things in his mouth that are food, but I suppose it’s possible. No sign of nasal congestion- no sneezing, is breathing just fine through his nose, and...
  4. macncheese18

    Not Eating 5 Month Old Kitten

    Hi guys, My 5 month old kitten has suddenly had a decrease in appetite. Last week (and all the weeks leading up to 3 days ago), I was refilling his food bowl at least twice a day (once before I left for work and once before bedtime) and at dinner time giving him a can of wet food (which he’d...
  5. macncheese18

    Demon Child

    If I didn’t have such a small space, I would keep him out of the bedroom at night. But unfortunately, I don’t have that luxury and I would feel like the worlds worst pet mom isf I made him sleep in the closet or bathroom. We’re improving slowly, haha. This morning was pretty good. I think the...
  6. macncheese18

    Demon Child

    Thank you guys for all the responses!! I have ordered some corner shelves and other wall shelves as well that I plan to put up for him! My only hesitation with the squirt gun idea is that he actually loves water (go figure), so I’m not entirely sure he would think that’s a negative effect! It...
  7. macncheese18

    Demon Child

    I have started putting him in “time-outs,” when he does something he’s not supposed to like knock over plants, or biting when unprovoked. I will also try doing that for this case too. Just needs consistency on my part, which at 5 in the morning is severely tested
  8. macncheese18

    Demon Child

  9. macncheese18

    Demon Child

    Fat fingers hit the “create” button. Just two more points! -I bought him a stuffed animal and anytime he starts biting hands or humans, we redirect his biting to the cow. -I plan on trying to get him used to a leash and harness. He’s also getting his last round of vaccinations on Friday and I...
  10. macncheese18

    Demon Child

    Hello! I have a four and a half month old kitten (cat?) named Mac (N’ Cheese) and I was hoping for some more information on their puberity changes and behavior. Ever since I’ve had him (since he was two months old), he has been waking up at 5:30 in the morning. Now, for the most part, this...
  11. macncheese18

    Mac N’ Cheese

    @Mamanyt1953 @doomsdave @aliceneko @BlueJay thank you guys very much for all the positivity and responses! This forum has relieved a great deal of my stress, that's for sure. @doomsdave Your name for your cat is so cute and funny! I've noticed my little guy loves to be in stuff and is so...
  12. macncheese18

    Mac N’ Cheese

    Thank you @rubysmama @tabbytom and @abyeb for responding and for the welcomes! Just venting and hearing your guys' responses really helped me out. Sometimes I'm just an anxious person and when I get really overwhelmed, I get really overwhelmed haha. As of now, little Mac spends his time in my...
  13. macncheese18

    Mac N’ Cheese

    Hello! I normally don’t post things like this on any site, but I’m hoping for some security I think I might find here. I got Mac (N’ Cheese) about four days ago now and I love him to bits. But I’m freaking out! He’s two months old and he’s so smart already! He’s litter box trained and...