Search Results

  1. Eca

    Urinary blockage and water intake

    Hi, everyone. I have a five year old male cat named Sachi. About a week ago, he was hospitalized due to partial urinary obstruction. Five months ago, he had the exact same problem, so this is the second time he's having urinary obstruction. The first time it happened, he was catheterized the...
  2. Eca

    Asthmatic Cat

    Hi, everyone. Recently, one of my cats was diagnosed with asthma. I have absolutely no experience with feline asthma, so I'm honestly quite terrified. I'd be really grateful if any of you can give me some advice about what I should and shouldn't do. First, I'm gonna tell you about my cat. About...
  3. Eca

    My cat keeps wanting to go outside

    Hi, everyone. I have a 2 year old male tabby cat named Mikan who really, absolutely wants to go outside. A little of his history: Mikan was born in my house. I rescued his mom, who turns out to be pregnant. He has one sibling and the three of them were basically inseparable from the beginning...
  4. Eca

    Kitten Vaccinations

    Hi, everyone. I'm a new cat owner and I'm quite worried about my kitten's vaccination schedule. I took my kitten (now 4 months of age) to the vet at 28 September for his first shot and he is scheduled for second deworming today and second shot next week at 28 November. The vet insists that...
  5. Eca

    The Little Stray Kitten

    Hi, everyone. My heart is about to burst right now and instead of crying, I think it's better to share my story with people who actually care about cats in this forum. I'm sorry, I'm not a good story teller and English isn't my first language, so pardon any mistakes. Last Saturday, in front of...