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  1. Magicunicornofdoom

    How Do I Make A Kitten Stop Bugging Other Pets.

    Hi everyone! So I have a kitten named Diana, she is 6 weeks old and she is.. well, very very rambunctious, to put it nicely. I also have a 15 year old pug who was raised with cats so he doesn't mind them.. until Diana came along. My dog, Edward, always gives Diana warnings to leave him...
  2. Magicunicornofdoom

    Diana Taking Over The House

    I just wanted to share photos of Diana taking over the house and befriending my other pets.
  3. Magicunicornofdoom

    Hello Everyone, Meet Baby Cat And Diana!

    Hi everyone! I am a mother of two cats (plus a few other pets lol) I have an adult male cat named Baby Cat who was rescued as a stray! I actually fostered him since he was around a week old, and I just never gave him up so here he is with me, 5 and a half years later! He was raised with two...
  4. Magicunicornofdoom

    Resident Cat Staring At New Kitten?

    Hi everyone. I have a 6 year old cat named Baby Cat. He's never really been that affection towards anyone other than me, and he was a stray so he actually gets along well with other cats. Two days ago, I got a new Kitten named Diana. Diana WAS in a safe room, but she was small enough to fit...