Search Results

  1. timosmom

    Should I Change The Entire Litter...

    ....or put the new on top of the old? It's getting shallow and stinky, so it's time and I'm wondering whether to replace the whole thing. My kitten's ok with this litter and I'm assuming if there's enough scent left behind on the litter box walls it won't be too big of a change for him. Advice?
  2. timosmom

    Three Month Old Persian Lunges At My Face When I Lie In Bed

    Does anyone have any idea why I turn into prey the moment I lie down in bed. He doesn't do it with my husband. He gives me a lot of light bites too, generally naughty disposition, but this behaviour when I'm in bed, going for my face, is a bit much, and I have to shoo him away.