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  1. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    You’re killing me dude she’s so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  2. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

  3. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    You have to make sure that the “bathroom hole” in the onesie is as big as you can get so your cat doesn’t have any accidents
  4. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    T Thanks ❤️❤️
  5. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    Thank you❤️❤️
  6. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    Great! thanks for the replay❤️
  7. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    Thank you And yeah there used to be a scab there but it fell off now it’s pink where it used to be
  8. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    hi guys sorry for the late update but I took stitch to the vet yesterday for a follow up and the vet said she is doing great and her stitches look good, apparently they were supposed to fall off but they didn't so she cut them off (they were really loose and about to fall anyway but I didn't...
  9. Mimijrl

    Help Me Find Out What Is The Breed Of My Stitch :)

    thanks for the replay you seem to know a lot about cat breeds :)
  10. Mimijrl

    Help Me Find Out What Is The Breed Of My Stitch :)

    th thanks for the compliment and I will look for that option next time I post a picture:)
  11. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    it might look like it in the picture but she really dose not mind it at all since I made sure the arm and leg holes were as big as I can make them so she can walk freely the only thing that I think could be bothering her is that she can't groom:)
  12. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    thanks for the reply and I will defiantly update you guys after the visit to the vet
  13. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    thank you
  14. Mimijrl

    Help Me Find Out What Is The Breed Of My Stitch :)

    this is stitch she's been with me since she was 6 months old and just turned one this month and I wanna know her breed :) (sorry the pictures are sideways didn't know how to fix them)
  15. Mimijrl

    How to post new thread(s) and how to reply

    okay thanks a lot :)
  16. Mimijrl

    How to post new thread(s) and how to reply

    dose anyone knows how I can close a thread?
  17. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    you're welcome :)
  18. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    you're welcome :)
  19. Mimijrl

    Spay Stitches

    I will be visiting the vet in two days for a check up so hopefully she's going to be be fine and yeah her stitches looked like that since I brought her home from the vet she did not show any interest In biting or licking them but I still dressed her in a onesie just in case