Search Results

  1. JazzysMom

    Kitty Belly Flops...what Does It Mean?

    We recently adopted a wonderful Balinese kitty, He is 6 years old. Very affectionate boy, he often belly flops suddenly and looks at us and sort of chirrups. He does like chest rubs (no belly please)...but was wondering, is there any meaning that sudden flops have? Like the questionmark...
  2. JazzysMom

    New Adoption - Anxious, Sweet Cat Looking For A Shoe To Drop @1 Month

    Hi there, We adopted/re-homed a precious blue-point 6 year old male/neutered Balinese boy a month ago. He comes from a multi-pet household and was owned by a couple who wanted to re-home him because they did not have the time and attention they felt he needed. They say Balinese are...