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  1. meowingmatilda

    Growling At Toys?

    Thank you everyone, I assumed it was normal.. she is just one vocal kitty! They are getting on really well, better by the hour I would say :yess:
  2. meowingmatilda

    Growling At Toys?

    Our new kitten Penelope has a habit of growling at her toys whilst playing, is this normal? If not, how could I teach her not to do this? I'm assuming its because she thinks is like 'prey' that she has caught and its her instincts to growl. I don't have a problem with it if its normal but our...
  3. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Yes it was definitely dead. In fact it looked like it had been dead a while! Oh gosh I didn’t think about that, I’ve just emptied and sanitised it. Although I’m sure they have shared since :(
  4. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Tonight went ok, they had dinner together and were able to get close without any wobbles between them. However Matilda isn’t happy still, I’ve noticed she’ll pounce and attack whilst hissing so whenever that happens I separate them for a while. It does seem to be improving. Also completely...
  5. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Oh I see! Sorry about that, makes sense now! This morning they were eating next to each other perfectly. I think little sessions of interactions throughout the day might work. I will separate them at night until I am confident they are content with each other. At 9 weeks old I’m sure they...
  6. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Yes I will try that, thank you. And when you say run of the place, do you mean together? I am here during the day so I can always keep an eye out :-)
  7. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Currently Matilda is downstairs and the new kitty is upstairs sleeping (she had her first vaccination today). I’ve got all the doors open and they have been around each others scent all day so if they wish to meet they can! Of course I’m here supervising at all times! Poor little one is so sleepy.
  8. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    So we picked new kitty up last night and there was a brief introduction, Matilda met new kitty whilst she was still in the carrier, wasn’t great.. they were both hissing. They were separated for the night, Matilda in the lounge and new kitty in the kitchen. This morning I took new cats blanket...
  9. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Oh lol! How funny, nothing surprises me after owning a kitten for a week now. Was looking for Matilda one evening, couldn't find her anywhere! She had managed to scale the entire curtain and was perched on top of the curtain rail.. I'm 5"6 and I still really struggled to get her down lol :crazy:
  10. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    We are picking up the new kitten tonight! Eek! So following on from the advice I received earlier. She (new kitty) hasn't had her first vaccinations yet so I will try and get her booked in for tomorrow. If I was to keep Matilda and new kitty separate for the night it means the new one would...
  11. meowingmatilda

    Switching To Bozita Tins?

    Great idea about the snackies, I have some of the chicken ones! I was told that there isn't much difference between the kitten version of the food to the normal other than the price, this may be wrong though. We are giving her the Bozita tins, are the tetra packs better? We are picking up a new...
  12. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    I thought so! Hopefully I can get her booked in the vets asap.. providing we do get her that is! :) Thank you so much for the quick reply.
  13. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    We *may* be picking up a new kitten really soon.. like tonight or tomorrow kind of soon! The new kitten is also 9wks old, the same as Matilda. Since they are both so young, will we still have to introduce them slowly and keep them in separate rooms?
  14. meowingmatilda

    New Kitten Introductions

    Oh my gosh your cats are absolutely beautiful :loveeyes: I don't know much about introductions, I'm planning on getting another kitten soon myself, my kitten now is only 9 weeks old so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a problem :) from the research I have done it sounds like good progress...
  15. meowingmatilda

    Switching To Bozita Tins?

    Ah hopefully we can get some input :) I'm sure it will go okay, she was interested in the new food last night but I don't really want to leave it out as the only option just incase she doesn't want it!
  16. meowingmatilda

    Switching To Bozita Tins?

    Oh yuck! It really does stink, even scooping out the tin I have to hold my breath lol! Same with Matilda, she likes to go back to it.. which is quite difficult. How long can wet foot be left out at a time? That's good, I basically done that last night, small amount of the new alongside the...
  17. meowingmatilda

    Switching To Bozita Tins?

    Our 9 week old kitten Matilda was having the Tesco kitten wet food and biscuits when we got her, so we have been giving those to her for the past week whilst she was settling in to our home. We knew that we wanted to get her onto something with a higher meat content so ordered the Bozita tins...
  18. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Oh I hadn't heard that yet but thank you, it's good to know :)
  19. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Thank you, thats a good idea. Can I ask why you would get a male? We haven't looked into what sex to get yet so generally curious as to why a male might be a better option. The only thing is we were looking into possibly adopting from a shelter this time so we may not get a preference of gender...
  20. meowingmatilda

    Getting Our Kitten A Friend?

    Hi everyone, hope you are having a good day! Some of you might know that my partner and I recently got a kitten called Matilda, she is currently 9 weeks old and is having her vaccinations tomorrow. We have recently been thinking that it might be nice to get her a companion whilst she is still...