Search Results

  1. SusieCookie

    Cat Peeing And Pooping On My Brother's Bed

    Hello all! My female cat Izzy has starting doing something strange out of the blue. She has started peeing and pooping on my brother's bed. We thought it was because she was upset about the fleas, so we treated her fleas. And treated the house for fleas. But, she did it again this morning. This...
  2. SusieCookie

    Partial Intestinal Blockage Advice

    Hello my friends, I have come once again seeking advice. I took my lovely long-haired cat, Gato, to the vet yesterday because he was acting strangely. I got up yesterday morning to him vomiting and just sticking to one place in the house. He usually loves to greet us in the mornings with chirps...
  3. SusieCookie

    Izzy's Tail Looks Strange ( Pictures Provided)

    Hello all, I have come back again, but with another baby with an issue. This last week my Izzy girl has been scratching at her tail, and has always reacted with licking and nibbles when I pat her back. But, now her tail now looks so strange to me. It looks kinda skinny and swollen at the end...
  4. SusieCookie

    Goodbye My Darling Catdaddy

    This afternoon I said goodbye to my first ever cat, Catdaddy or Cyber. I remember I begged and begged for a cat when I was eleven. I begged my mother, and she finally caved. I found him on the ASPCA website and IMMEDIATELY fell in love. I went to pick him up, and he was mine. He had this...
  5. SusieCookie

    My Ckd Cat Is Acting Strange.

    Hello again ya'll. So I have come back once again because my poor baby Catdaddy is acting so strangely. He got sick at the end of March, so we started him back on the fluids twice a week, 50 cc. It's was all he could stand at the time. And he was doing pretty well. He ate ok, and drank water...
  6. SusieCookie

    Advice On Quality Of Life

    As I have sat here thinking. I worry a lot about what kind of life I am giving my Catdaddy. I am gonna make this short and sweet. He is in what I believe is stage 3 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). Recently he had constipation issues ( and not eating because of it), but now has some diarrhea issues...
  7. SusieCookie

    Cat Poop??

    Hey y'all! I have come for advice once again. So my cat, Catdaddy, finally got over his constipation after a week of battling it. ( He has CKD so the vet thinks that is why it happened) He is now eating and drinking, thanks to the vet visit yesterday along with me giving him 100cc of fluids via...
  8. SusieCookie

    My Cat Is Constipated And Won't Eat.

    Hello all! So I had a question for those who have experience. I have an older cat who is about 15 years old. He got diagnosed with Kidney Disease about a year and a half ago. He has been doing pretty well, we have been feeding him wet food mixed with water. We did the IV treatment but he started...