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  1. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    Also I forgot to mention he is FIV negative :hyper::hyper:
  2. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    I just realized I haven't updated y'all on my cat Sammy. The red growth in his mouth was looked at by his doctor, since it had shrunk and hes not shown any signs of chronic illness she said it was nothing to worry about. His paws have been good since his first flare out in 2017. He also lost...
  3. Sadee

    Cat Still Vomiting Weekly

    He doesn't get weighed weekly, and yes he acts hungry. The last time he was weighed was a month or 2 ago, he was a little over 17 pounds, the diet was recommended by his doctor. She also said I could do an all wet food diet, but I didnt want to waste the dry food that I had so she recommended...
  4. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    Here's other different angles, I touched it and it's not hard.
  5. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    I cant find any picture that looks like what he has on his gum, hes not in pain, I cant take him to the vet until 2 weeks from now . I'm afraid its gonna be something worse than that, I'm worried.
  6. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    I appreciate your time, thank you so much.
  7. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    I'll definitely contact the vet, I'll have to wait until Monday because they're closed already. Also, I've never emailed the vet before , do I just ask them their opinion on it? Sorry yall I'm such a noob at this. Thank you all a lot, I'm hoping it's something minor.
  8. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    Yes there is a good update, he went to the vet and he was 100% healthy, he had no mouth ulcers, he didnt lose any weight, he actually gained 2 pounds. His doctor mentioned about a possible ulcer in his stomach caused by 6 months of steroid use, hes currently on a diet because hes very overweight.
  9. Sadee

    Cat Still Vomiting Weekly

    He is on a wet and dry food diet reccomend from his doctor, 1/3 dry food a day, 1 small can of wet food a day, I split this up into 3 different meals for him. Hes pretty active for his age, he loves playing with his toys, he runs around like a crazy man. He is ok on a leash but he loves eating...
  10. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    It is his gum and hes eating fine. His doctor always looks at his teeth, it wasn't there when he went, I believe it's more recent. I hate looking things up because they say the worst possible things, I think I'm just gonna watch it for the next week or two, then contact the vet. I was thinking...
  11. Sadee

    Cat Still Vomiting Weekly

    I needed to update this earlier but I didnt, he went to the vet, got checked for fiv, thankfully it came back negative, and he gained 2 pounds. His doctor wasn't worried about anything significant since he's gained weight and his age, she said he could've developed an ulcer from the steroids he...
  12. Sadee

    Something On My Cats Gum

    My cat was just licking himself, I saw this and I have no idea what it is. Hes 7 years old, he went to the vet not too long ago and he was healthy.
  13. Sadee

    Cat Still Vomiting Weekly

    Update: Good news? I mentioned he never threw up whilst eating wet food, but I have to remember when he started this, which was when I put him on wet food. I didn't want to, but I had to take his wet food away to see if his vomiting slowed down and/or stopped. His first vomit took 1 week, but...
  14. Sadee

    Possible Ear Mites? (pictures)

    I know he has allergy problems in his ears, I might try the allergy cream his doctor gave me early this year for a few weeks and see if it helps.
  15. Sadee

    Possible Ear Mites? (pictures)

    Me being the cat person I am, I was taking pictures of my cat and noticed the scratch. I looked at his ear and seen lots and lots of ear wax, the first thing I thought was ear mites, he's had allergy problems with his ears before, he even got medicine for it. He's always itched his ears a lot...
  16. Sadee

    Cat Still Vomiting Weekly

    Thank you so much for responding, I keep on forgetting about the pumpkin, he most likely won't touch it since he's so picky, but it won't hurt to try. I am grooming him more than I did, someone told me that since he's a short-hair breed he doesn't need to be groomed as often, I disagree, he...
  17. Sadee

    Cat Still Vomiting Weekly

    I've posted about my cat Sammy vomiting weekly multiple times, I'm just so worried with no money. Let me get to the basics, Sammy just turned 7 July 30th, he is 15 1/2-16 pounds, from what I see he is not losing weight, he is eating his wet and dry food normally, he is drinking normally, he is...
  18. Sadee

    Cat Vomiting Getting More Frequent.

    Sammy vomited yesterday twice, the first time was like regular vomit so i assumed he was doing what he's been doing, he did it a second time, it looked more like what a hairball vomit would look like, he did it while my family and i went on a walk and it had 2 chunks of hair in it. I'm now going...
  19. Sadee

    Fiv Positive Cat With A Cold - How Long Will This Last?

    This reply made my night!