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  1. Aphro

    Lethargic No Appetite

    I am happy to hear that he feels better!! I am not sure if you need a prescription for this but I know that Animalstrath increases the apetite! It some kind of vitamins! My vet suggested them for my dog that has some health issues.. But it is both for dogs and cats! Ask your vet about it!!!! I...
  2. Aphro

    My Cat Was Diagnosed With Felv Stage 2. How Can I Give Her The Best Life Possible?

    Thank you so much for the info and the support!!! Karmen doesn't have any symptoms yet... And I hope that we can delay them the longest possible..! I'm really sorry about Midnight... can't even imagine what you wet through.. At least she was in a home full of love!!! ❤
  3. Aphro

    Lethargic No Appetite

    You could also try to boil some chicken and give him the chicken water with a syringe!!! It will keep him from getting dehydrated and is also nutritional!!! With this I managed to save a newborn baby boy that his momma had passed away and he wasn't accepting any kind of cat-milk that I was...
  4. Aphro

    What Combination Of Breeds Could My Cat Possibly Be???

    Thank you so much for the info and for explaining me about her momma!!! Karmen's colors are probably due to both her mom's colors and the sun!!! It makes sense!!! She is my first kitty and I have no idea how these things go! !! I also didn't know about the legs! She has become so fluffy now...
  5. Aphro

    What Combination Of Breeds Could My Cat Possibly Be???

    Thank youuuu!!! I managed to find a photo of her mommy because I really don't know how to describe her colors!!! Her dark dark parts of Karmen are solid black while others nothing near black! It is like she has highlights! We live in Greece and the sun here is ruthless, and her favourite place...
  6. Aphro

    What Combination Of Breeds Could My Cat Possibly Be???

    Thank youuuu!!!!! She is indeed very fun to be around! She even plays fetch (I've never taught her that it just happened!! ) The different colorations look like natural highlights! That's for sure! I don't know if that's the correct term but I like it!!!! ❤❤ I love talkative kitties too!!!
  7. Aphro

    My Cat Was Diagnosed With Felv Stage 2. How Can I Give Her The Best Life Possible?

    Thank you so much for your time and your words! I'm searching at the Internet like crazy... This is indeed a very good site! I'm sorry to hear about Midnight.. When she was diagnosed was asymptomatic or Felv was starting to show??? We found it by accident... I had just learned about Fiv and Felv...
  8. Aphro

    Lethargic No Appetite

    I hope that she is all right!!! As you said it can be a number of things but you should definitely take her to the vet! I'm sorry to read about your other kitty... Let us know what the vet told you!!! <3
  9. Aphro

    My Cat Was Diagnosed With Felv Stage 2. How Can I Give Her The Best Life Possible?

    Hello everyone! I am new here! My cat, Karmen who is 2 years old was diagnosed with Felv stage 2. We rescued her from the street when she was around 2-3 months old! And I have no other cats in the house! Also she has never been on the same space with another cat since I took her home...
  10. Aphro

    What Combination Of Breeds Could My Cat Possibly Be???

    Hello everyone! ! Irescued my baby girl (Karmen) with my boyfriend from the street 2 years ago! When she was just a baby! She is has very short legs and small body but extremely long tail! Her fur is blackish-red and white and even where it is black it is light gray near the skin!! Also during...