Search Results

  1. CatCake


    Jerry died of old age today.. RIP Jerry. So.. why am I still part of this forum?! Sorry guys, I'm leaving. I'm not gonna get another cat tho... chickens are better. Thanks for reading. Mel
  2. CatCake

    Suggestion :-d

    ive got a suggestion from BYC (aka and they have their own online calendar. Could do the same? Just a suggestion. Even if @Anne likes the idea and does it, we could do a picture contest for the TCS calendar! What do y'all think? Let me know! -cat
  3. CatCake

    Jerry! :-)

    Hey guys! Here are some pics of Jerry! More good pics will come later.
  4. CatCake

    How To Make Orange Cake!

    You will need: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon Valencian orange extract, get some here: 1 teaspoon baking soda (not baking powder) 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup cool water 6 Tablespoons oil (I used...
  5. CatCake


    This has only happened once, bit of course um a curious cat.. haha! Um.. do any of you know what this is? It happened a few minutes ago, I don't remember where I went though. But I'm sure it wasn't a bad gateway. What happened?
  6. CatCake

    Idiom Game!

    Here is how it works: Say an idiom in the alphabetical order. It's word limit is none. I'll start. Ace up your sleeve
  7. CatCake

    What's Your Favourite Song?

    my favorites! are 2; despacito, not by the original guy, by J. Fla, she sings beautifully! Here it is! My second is viva la vida, Chris Martin. What's yours? I would love to see!
  8. CatCake

    New Kitten!

    greetings, I am glad to meet you all! GOSH SO MANY EMOJIS! :creampersian::vancat::whitecat::blackcat2::bicolorcat: My aunt has a cat called jerry!