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  1. L

    Moving To A New House With Feral Cats

    Hi Kittychick. Good news on my second week!! Garfy still shouted desperately to go outside to the front yard, at 2:00 am every night :( I wasn't very comfortable with the harness because I didn't feel too secure. And I found a great method! Yesterday night, before going to sleep, I put him...
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    Moving To A New House With Feral Cats

    Thank you, kittychick for your words. I understand Garfy because I also miss my old house, a lot! I'll keep you posted. Thanks again!
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    Moving To A New House With Feral Cats

    Hi kittychick! Yes, they are all neutered, I always neuter all my cats and dogs, and I collaborate with groups that neuter cats and dogs in areas where people can't travel to vets or to the zoonosis centers. It's a priority for me. All my cats and dogs, including Garfy, get along very well...
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    Moving To A New House With Feral Cats

    Hi, Sarthur. I can't take with me the two I left behind. First of all, I couldn't have wild cats in my house because they are afraid of my dogs. Besides I know they would escape the second I open the door of the cage. They don't let me touch them, they are too quick. A neighbour told me she...
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    Moving To A New House With Feral Cats

    Hi, I want to tell you about my experience in moving with my cats to a new house. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was very sad because I had to leave behind two cats that I was feeding. They ate at home, slept in an open garage, but wouldn't let me touch them. Finally I moved with two dogs...
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    I'm Moving And I Have To Leave Stray Cats

    Hi kittychick! Caring for animals takes time, money and effort, but mostly it is hard to bear. I feel terrible when I see stray cats or dogs. A lot of people help animals here, but many don't even see them and don't even think of neutering them. But fortunately there's a law of animal...
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    I'm Moving And I Have To Leave Stray Cats

    Neutering is my main priority. I collaborate every month with two groups that work in emergency zones, where doctors go and neuter 40 to 50 cats and dogs each time, and there are many groups like these two. Sometimes it's frustrating because you see that this will take for ever. But at least...
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    I'm Moving And I Have To Leave Stray Cats

    Yes, it is close. Fortunately I don't live in Venezuela ;) Poor Venezuelans are having a tough time. This is Buenos Aires, Argentina. Yes we do have places where they neuter cats and dogs at low cost and there are a lot of organizations that neuter cats and dogs in places where there are lots of...
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    I'm Moving And I Have To Leave Stray Cats

    Thank you for your answer! In a smaller house it will be difficult to find a place inside to lodge 5 cats and on top of that they are very competitive between them. But I'll try to get closer to Oli, that's his name, in these two months that I have left, and I will try and take him along with...
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    I'm Moving And I Have To Leave Stray Cats

    Hi, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have to move in two months' time to a new house. I'm going to a smaller house with my husband, my two dogs, and my 4 cats, two of which have only three legs, I've always rescued dogs and cats. I've had up to 10 dogs and cats simultaneously. I'm feeding...