Search Results

  1. ASingleNugget

    Help, Cat Seems Very Sick. Doesn't Have The Strength To Stand Up.

    That's great that he's standing up, but was it one of his back legs? He could have easily injured it, and that's a good reason for a cat to have behavioral changes, but weakness in back legs is also a symptom of a lot of illnesses. If it seems to get worse, or affect the other leg, I would...
  2. ASingleNugget

    How Much Do Your 3 Month Old Kittens Eat?

    With wet food, the spacing is still the same, but around 9-12 oz per kitten is the average, but the rule of "let them eat however much they want" still applies. Mine was on wet food, but he started throwing up every time he ate it so he got switched over to dry until I can find one that isn't...
  3. ASingleNugget

    What Could He Be Mixed With?

    My kitten right now is right at 3 months and 2 weeks old. I got him as a foster from the shelter I was working at at the time when he was about 10 days old. He was large for a 10 day old, definitely looked more the size of a 14-16 day old, but based on his teeth, ears still being folded, his...
  4. ASingleNugget

    How Much Do Your 3 Month Old Kittens Eat?

    1/3 a cup of food 3 times a day per kitten is a good rule. Spacing it out helps them get into a routine and not feel as hungry later on. Personally, my little guy free eats on a 1/2 cup during the day and if it's gone at night then I refill it. He doesn't eat as much as most other kittens though.
  5. ASingleNugget

    Help, Cat Seems Very Sick. Doesn't Have The Strength To Stand Up.

    Hi! You can also try Gerber Chicken baby food if he's refusing to eat, that's what we used to do at the no kill shelter I was working at when we had a kitten who appeared to have no motivation for food, and it was something we had to do for my own kitten. If the little guy still refuses that...