Search Results

  1. lietta

    How to get your cat to drink more water

    What really counts is that the water has the lowest percentage of minerals, otherwise it can damage the cat's urinary system.
  2. lietta

    Behavior after neutering

    He is probably  still traumatized and scared because of the surgical operation, which can be very painful, expecially when the anesthesia's effect fades and the wound is still open. My cat spent a time quite similar to yours. Just give him time, being understanding and patient. I am sure he will...
  3. lietta

    Kitten will not stop biting

    Try very gently to return the bite. Usually it is the mother which instructs her kittens to moderate their 'feline' side, but in this case you need to replace her! There is also to take in account the fact that the kitten is probably changing the teeth, and this can be a fastidious process...
  4. lietta

    Obsessive eating

    Acana and Orijen are very high in proteic percentage, if the cat is not old, active and free from renal problems they are very good grain-free brands. Moreover, they are guaranteed  as 'cruelty-free' (not tested on animals). Other very good grain-free products  are  Farmina and Granatapet .  
  5. lietta

    Obsessive eating

    Hypertiroidism could be another cause for overeating, but the cat should be thin and I suppose that the vet has already controlled if this problem is present. 
  6. lietta

    Obsessive eating

    Maybe he is looking for some nutrients he is not able to absorb from the food...this can happen even when a meal is complete and not complementary, He might need an integration which at the moment cannot still be defined. 