Search Results

  1. M

    Older Jak, Still Questionable About Genetics

    The last time I made a post, Jak was just a light colored kitten. Now that he is many months older, he has grown even more clingy like a dog. He is also very talkative like Siamese. I strongly believe that Jak has, no doubt, some Siamese in him. His coloration is that of a Snowshoe pattern...
  2. M

    What Is Jak's Breed?

    I may have asked this before, but I cannot seem to find it. So I will do a new post just in case. My name is Marc, and I recently obtained a kitten (named Jak) from breeders who were moving towards Siamese cat. He was given to me as a Japanese Bobtail, but I believe that they were lying or...
  3. M

    Coloration Of My Jap Bobtail

    Hey dudes, just recently got a Japanese Bobtail kitten named Jak from a breeder who's moving to Siamese cats. I just game Jak his 3rd booster, and will give him his final round plus his first rabies next month. So I'm curious, while the breed confirmation mostly covets (for lack of better...