Search Results

  1. Hamb0ne

    Socializing 3 Kittens - Need Advice!

    Thank you they are so wonderful! Would love to see pictures of all of your cats, too! On the post is Narayana (m) on the left and Miss Worm (f) on the right, then Guido on the bed. First pic is Narayana, pic on the hide is Guido (m) on the left and Narayana (m) on the right, pic on the pink...
  2. Hamb0ne

    Socializing 3 Kittens - Need Advice!

    Hi everyone! Thank you for all of your help. The past week we have made huge progress!! I have been sleeping in the room with the kittens and over the course of the night they come and go sleeping with me on my legs and pillow. In the morning we play before I'm out of bed. In general the...
  3. Hamb0ne

    Socializing 3 Kittens - Need Advice!

    I'm not sure if rescue will cover, but I imagine they will since they covered cost of spaying mom. If not, I have a friend who is a vet who I used to take my old kitties to who gives us a nice discount.
  4. Hamb0ne

    Socializing 3 Kittens - Need Advice!

    My plans are to keep two of three and a friend of mine would like to adopt the third. I wish I could keep all three but it's a lot for an apartment! Two seem to be a little closer and one more independent, so he will probably be the one to go with my friend. Once they're a little older we...
  5. Hamb0ne

    Socializing 3 Kittens - Need Advice!

    Hello, A few weeks back my boyfriend found a terrible thing in the backyard. A cat had been torn to shreds, presumably by a raccoon. Nearby in a window well in the yard he found 3 little kittens. We assumed this had been momma cat possibly trying to protect kittens from predator. He trapped...