Search Results for Query: enemas

  1. C

    Cat prolapse rectum

    I've been. Using lactoluse. Awful. Sticky stuck I'm. Keeping close eye on him. He's had 2 enemas and has a stitch in. Bum which keeps getting stuck on poo
  2. allisonburd

    Constipation Meltdown!

    Thank you for your advice. I'm gonna try that route, it makes sense. She can't keep having enemas.
  3. allisonburd

    Constipation Meltdown!

    ...may be more of a chance to vent. I am also very desperate for advice. I have not had any luck with my vet. She has done blood work, 2 xrays, 3 enemas and several diet changes within the year. What is currently happening is severe constipation. This led us to her and ended up.with enema. She...
  4. Jinxii

    Cat prolapse rectum as my recently departed cat had the same problem as you. (He actually passed away of liver cancer, not anything related to this.) Nelson had megacolon and lactulose and enemas were useless - the only thing that fixed the problem was a product called Miralax, so I'd recommend looking into...
  5. 4

    Cat constipated for the past 4 days. Nothings working. Help:(

    ...a few years ago where his hips became narrow as they healed. We have been dealing with constipation and have had a few vet visits with enemas, which worked right away and we are done. However this time is different and I’m seriously lost :( I took him to the er vet Thursday night for an...
  6. white shadow

    Megacolon in Cats

    ...My suggestion would be to arrange for this as soon as you possibly can! The IV therapy is the very best way to thoroughly hydrate a constipated cat and should be action #1 when enemas are thought to be necessary (and begun). If started (even) now, that could save the day! Keep us posted! .
  7. F

    Many things going on, currently constipation

    My kitty was VERY plugged up (entire colon stuffed with poop). The vet gave him enemas twice, 3 days apart, and I gave him lactulose at home. And it worked! He was all cleared up at his next checkup. He now gets 1/4 teaspoon Miralax and 1/2 tsp. of whole psyllium seed mixed with water into a...
  8. di and bob


    I use Miralax 1/4 tsp mixed in some Delectable Lickables, a cat treat. encourage water and a sliver of a human suppository could be used too. Consult your vet about any use of these. They have enemas, suppositories, and supplements on Amazon too!
  9. Alldara

    Constipation Meltdown!

    I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with this for so long. There's a few other cats on the forum that have ran around with poos. How did the pumpkin go? Is it always no poos or does she sometimes have some hard poos? If hard poos, is there lots of hair in the poo? Some cats have real...
  10. C

    Trudy is constipated

    You can't get can pumpkins in UK She only had 1 enema. Left her half full of poo With toby he had to have 2 enemas 2 in the afternoon another following morning So I'm assuming 1 enema can't get all the poo out Seems crazy that 2 anathestic are needed to clear out all poop I def think ages...
  11. B

    Megacolon in Cats

    ...So, we gave him the enema and he didn’t poop. We brought him back this morning and they have sedated him, got him on fluids, and are doing enemas to try to clean him out. The vet said she will do as much as possible to avoid something more invasive and that she will work with us on price bc...
  12. iPappy

    Has anyone’s cat gone over the 48 hour mark with no poo, but no sign of straining or impacted poo?

    Yes, he did have to have a few enemas and I only noticed he needed them as he would do a lot of straining and produce nothing. A few times, it was just a solid piece "right there" and barely any sedation was needed, but a few times it was much worse. The miralax helped him a lot!
  13. FeebysOwner

    Constipation Meltdown!

    ...of more days. But, tbh, you need to find another vet that might be more interested in trying other things besides resorting to repeated enemas. It could be either a cat only vet, or perhaps even an internal medicine vet. I would hope one or the other of these vets would take a greater...
  14. S

    11yo Fur baby throwing up and not eating. Vet found nothing much.

    Don’t do enemas at home. Fleet enema toxicity in cats | VETgirl Veterinary CE Blog
  15. O

    Need Help & Advice for Cat with Megacolon

    ...dry kibble as his supper time treat, but very quickly ended up with hard dry stools again. And the vet X-ray shows he’s backed up again. the enemas, manual extraction and a week at the vet before being told to go home and see if a familiar environment would help, all sound very familiar … I...
  16. artiemom

    Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

    ...I made the decision, Artie refused 5 different foods. I ran out of food options for him. I was running around like a mad woman for him to have enemas. I was shaking, crying from all the stress—realizing that this is the “end” of time with my soul-cat. I suddenly realized that this was not a...
  17. CatLadyofNine

    Need Help & Advice for Cat with Megacolon

    What did you give your cat when you brought him home to help him go on his own? Same exact thing with my Pip, he won’t go for the vets. I just got off the phone with my vet and he says I can take Pip home this afternoon, he’s still not pooping on his own and not eating, so the vet is thinking...
  18. FeebysOwner

    Cat constipation, help

    At home enemas are kind of scary, but hopefully it did the job for you, and you won't have any repercussions from it. Another thing to try, if the Miralax can't keep her going, would be a small sliver from a baby suppository. I'd do that before another enema, IMO. Hopefully, it won't be needed.
  19. ShrimpusMinniemus

    Cat constipated for the past 4 days. Nothings working. Help:(

    ...massive poop') cleaned him out, it can take some time until he goes again, but it depends on the type of food he eats and how much. As mentioned above, it's of advantage to know how to palpate the cat. I even went as far and had my vet show me how to do enemas at home. A priceless skill to have!
  20. K

    Has anyone’s cat gone over the 48 hour mark with no poo, but no sign of straining or impacted poo?

    One of my cats poops every 2-3 days... she has pushed it to longer,,,,but she also has had to have enemas twice. She takes miralax and lactulose, too. She is an old lady and was always an infrequent pooper, but it is only in recent years that she has needed an enema.