Search Results for Query: constipation

  1. T

    Budesonide and constipation

    Oliver had 6 days on budesonide. read that budesonide can cause constipation. He has problems with constipation for 5 years now and well managed on Miralax. I’m worried that his constipation may get worse on budesonide. He does seem to be going less but no signs of constipation yet! Does...
  2. P

    Spaying & constipation

    Now this might sound stupid but, is it true that spaying a cat might lead to constipation? I had this weird notion embedded in my mind when I had a friend in the past who said that spaying a cat can lead to it having constipation - maybe due to the weight gain that comes with it I guess? I...
  3. allisonburd

    Constipation Meltdown!

    ...with my vet. She has done blood work, 2 xrays, 3 enemas and several diet changes within the year. What is currently happening is severe constipation. This led us to her and ended up.with enema. She had 1 mushy poo in litter and then stopped going again. Her appetite is great. She eats 1 can...
  4. J

    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    My eight year old Maine coon, Lindsey, has had episodes of constipation -- repeated litter box visits, little pieces of poop left outside the litter box, and more rarely straining to poop so much that she vomits -- for most of her life. She will not drink water from a bowl, so I add it to her...
  5. H

    Best dry food for constipation

    Hello, can anyone recommend any dry food for constipation? I am feeding her wet food everyday but she prefers dry food. I have tried royal canin Gastrointestinal High Fibre but she doesn't seem to like it. Will the regular royal canin Gastrointestinal be okay? how about royal canin hairball...
  6. IzzysfureverMom

    Constipation Meltdown!

    Constipation is not a usual side effect of gabapentin unless it is given in very high doses. IBD is very possible with constipation. Often it is thought diarrhea, but it can present as diarrhea, constipation or both. With IBD with constipation hydration is very important, so a all wet food...
  7. C

    Cat constipation awful for her when she goes to the vet. Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone the full picture. Can anyone recommend a laxative or constipation treatment that we can try? I don't want to have her back to the vet because the cycle starts all over -...
  8. L

    Cat Constipation

    ...the drugs (awesome) but I think he has a concurrent Feline Herpes infection (mega gunky eyes, congestion weak meow). He has developed constipation and lost his appetite somewhat, I’m hand feeding him and he is keeping the food down! I’ve been giving him Lactolose for a day and half and he...
  9. fionasmom

    Cat constipation

    Constipation Remedies? Ckd and constipation There are suggestions in the above threads. Ask your vet if they are safe for your cat, especially with the blood pressure medication which I agree she does need to take.
  10. IzzysfureverMom

    11 week old kitten had soft stools since I got him 2 weeks ago! Probiotics?

    Yes, I start probiotics low low dose and slow . You can go from diarrhea to constipation OR constipation to diarrhea fast especially if they have a sensitive system. Oh congratulations by the way and good luck.
  11. J

    Ckd and constipation

    ...ditch effort to get this managed properly or unfortunately we are out of options. what I’m asking for is suggestions on managing this constipation. He was trying to poop but it just was not coming out. I know hydration is huge. We have numerous water bowls and fountains around the house to...
  12. fionasmom

    Need Help & Advice for Cat with Megacolon

    Ckd and constipation Some information about Miralax and Lactulose Search Results for Query: egg yolk lecithin Egg yolk powder for constipation I have a cat who, while not diagnosed with megacolon, had a major constipation episode. She takes Miralax daily, and I use Laxatone a few times a week...
  13. lokhismom

    Cream cheese or Greek yoghurt

    I've just discovered freeze dried egg yolks. It's great for cats hairballs, constipation, etc. My cats love it too
  14. dgspencer101

    Constipation with our Lillian

    Will adding olive oil to our cats wet food that gums up in the fridge help with constipation? She drinks a lot of water and has normal urination.Her latest stools have been tiny dark hard balls of excrement.But it wasn't a lot...We had a vet appointment scheduled and I used a calming spray in...
  15. IndyJones

    At what point does one realize it's time to let go of their fur baby? I'm not ready to yet.

    Constipation or even megacolen is not a death sentance. Both can be treated with medication or even just dietary changes. There are plenty of remidies for constipation out there most of which involve fiber.
  16. daftcat75

    Can Boiled Egg Yolks be Used in Home Made Cat Food?

    ...the misfortune of eating foods with that fake fat, Olestra, that's the same kind of action. That's not quite the same thing as relieving constipation, though. With constipation however, this likely needs moisture to move. And that's what Miralax or pumpkin will do. They bind up water in...
  17. T

    Vet's Best Hairball Relief for constipation

    I have heard that many people here and elsewhere benefit from the psyllium and slippery elm to help with their cats' constipation. But this question applies even if you just use it for hairballs. It is a digestive aid after all. The question is.. everyone seems to talk about how well their cat...
  18. fionasmom

    Trudy is constipated

    Constipation Remedies? General discussion of constipation with some suggestions How Best to Manage Hairballs Further discussion of the use of egg yolk. I don't know that you could get this actual product in the UK, but the info might help.
  19. mrsgreenjeens

    Gah! Why does the constipation journey never seem to end?

    This is only a guess, but I'm thinking that the Metacam could be part of the problem, since it can cause constipation (yes, I know, most Vets will tell you it does NOT cause constipation, but it is an NSAID, and even OTC nsaids can cause constipation) So, are you to have him on the increased...
  20. S

    Cat constipation

    Hi all looking for advice. I have a 7 month female cat that was spayed last Thursday, March 28. When I went to pick her up I was told when they opened her abdomen they saw there was poop backed up and prescribed her 0.7 mg of lactulose for three days as well as pain meds. She pooped that night...