Search Results for Query: spraying

  1. amarshall0919

    Cat won’t stop spraying all over my stuff outside

    I am not sure if he has an official owner, but he always comes from down the street. This tuxedo cat is an unfixed male that is constantly spraying all over our whole block. Every morning I see it walk down the street, literally spraying at least 15 houses. It’s crazy. None of the other cats...
  2. H

    Male cat start spraying

    Well, my orange cat (9 or 10months) now start spraying and try to mating other cats. But the problem is i don't know why he's still spraying when there is even enough female cats for him. He's just spraying every where, walking few step and spraying, even in center of room,etc.. He's about...
  3. tarasgirl06


    Just finished part of our CATurday morning ritual of spraying scratchers/cat furniture with catnip spray and distributing 'nip-and-'vine around the house.
  4. Catguy73

    Cat spraying and I've complicated things :( be looking in windows/various areas outside the house however it really excited him... My boy's reaction was ultimately to start marking/spraying which was completely new behavior. I could see that he started to patrol and sniff around the house, windows, everywhere and his relationship...
  5. S

    Topical Apple Cider Vinegar to prevent UTI's

    Urinary tract infections are not common in cats. What are your cats symptoms? Have they been spayed? I would not be spraying, or wiping them with anything.
  6. di and bob

    Cat peeing outside of box - ready to give up

    He could have very well been spraying/marking territory! it can take 60 days fro teh male hormones to completely leave his body. give him at least that long.
  7. danteshuman

    Couch Peeing

    I like the black light idea. Is he on the couch looking out a window when other community cats stress him out? I would check outside to see if a cat is spraying the outside of your house.
  8. C

    Opinion poll about indoor vs outdoor cats, behaviorally speaking

    ...aren't there to see it/watch it. A cat scratching on a tree is fine, but the same behavior indoors on a couch is obviously seen as a problem. Spraying outside is generally seen as more harmless than spraying on the walls. It's not that they're better or worse behaved, it's just the environment.
  9. di and bob

    Cat Urination

    ayou amy want to get him neutered ASAP, once they start spraying it is very difficult to get them to stop. The 'spraying' is actually releasing urine too, so he sounds like he is urinating enough. Tom cat spary si VERY offensive. Once he si neutered it won't smell as bad. He will start roaming...
  10. rubysmama

    how long should i keep my stray/feral cat in the bathroom before I give him more room to explore

    Since he hasn't started spraying, neutering could prevent that from ever starting. He still might eventually spray, but it's less likely he'd stop spraying after being neutered, than to start after neutering. So, yes, sooner would probably be better. Neutering will for sure make the stinky...
  11. catloverfromwayback

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    It was! I only got up when I heard the bloke spraying the concrete start and remembered the front window was open. Gorgeous Elvis!
  12. JLC

    Excessive Meowing much because he wants to MATE. It can be very stressful for a cat. Get him fixed… because another problem could arise where he starts spraying. You are recently new to your apartment so you do not, I repeat, do not, want him to start spraying. Get him fixed and he will be a whole new kitty! 😊
  13. tarasgirl06

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    It's always difficult, but yeah, that would be a reason to get up :sigh:
  14. K

    A kitten fell down my chimney and I need advice!

    We had two of our boys neutered on the same day, they began spraying together the night before. That was back in the day when vets seemed to always be available to fix cats. They were fine. Once they came around afterward, except for not spraying, they didn't seem to notice it happened.
  15. S

    HELP, Is my cat infertile?

    Hi. He may be a cryptorchid cat. It is when the testicles never dropped. I would schedule an appointment to get him neutered ASAP. Even though his sister is spayed, he may just be developing late and you want to neuter him before he starts spraying. Very hard to stop it once he has started.
  16. IndyJones

    Has anybody used a belly band on a cat?

    Is he castrated? That would help if it is actualy spraying and not an accident due to medical issues.
  17. H

    Female cat and peeing

    ...3x daughter, they all do the same (after first male cat neutered) i bought yellow one to get two old female cat pregnant and hope they stop spraying without spayed, but look like yellow cat inexperienced or because his legs is weak, easily to slip so he's failed to get these two cats...
  18. yomamab

    Our cat is spraying up the place

    Our almost 8-yr old cat is a male and was neutered when he was a few months old. We never had trouble before with him spraying in the house, but for the past couple of months he's been spraying and it's been getting worse. At first it was just one area but now it's anything goes! Yesterday...
  19. Furballsmom

    neutering a seven-year-old cat

    Hi! I don't have experience with this. ...a lot, actually. No, the cat won't be angry and start spraying. I would wonder more about ensuring his aftercare including pain meds, is very thoroughly explained to the owner.
  20. B

    Adopted female cat started spraying

    ...getting on or off furniture or going up and down stairs. On the advice of our vet we are keeping her on the fluoxetine until we are sure the spraying is under control and for a time it has been. When she first came home, she spent her time at night upstairs and we would let her down in the...