Search Results for Query: ibd

  1. T

    Gas relief IBD cat

    How do you treat gas in cats? I read about baby gas relief but also that it doesn’t work for some. My Ibd cat has been having some stinky farts and I wonder if the gas is causing him pain and refusal to eat. I’ve tried homeopathy drops but that didn’t seem to work. He’s been on raw diet and also...
  2. njg55

    IBD kitty, barely eating

    My cat has had IBD for about a year and eating Royal Canin rabbit protein wet and dry food. She's been on Prednisolone for several months, which initially worked well, but now I'd say she's almost back to where we started in terms of soft stools and diarrhea, although she doesn't often vomit...
  3. C

    IBD - experience with gastric emptying issues?

    ...rudimentary our understanding of these illnesses still is. My baby Cephas is about 16 and is the littermate sister of my cat, Max, who died of IBD->LCL a few years ago (I cannot thank you all enough for your support during that time - it made a world of difference as it was my first time...
  4. S

    Budesonide and constipation

    What flu flare ups? Do you mean herpes virus? IBD is usually treated with Prednisolone, Cerenia, if needed, often vitamin Bb12 injections, sometimes other drugs as well as a novel protein diet. I do not know of any treatment for IBD that wouldn’t use steroids since they are needed to help...
  5. IzzysfureverMom

    Cat with possible IBD getting too thin, how can I help him gain some weight back? senior cats.Weight loss of 2 or 3 pounds is significant in a cat. Frequent food vomiting is also an issue. Vomiting food could be a sign of IBD or hyperthyroidism as well as other things.I would be concerned about hyperthyroidism and IBD. IBD cats tend to do better on a all wet food diet...
  6. IzzysfureverMom

    Constipation Meltdown!

    Constipation is not a usual side effect of gabapentin unless it is given in very high doses. IBD is very possible with constipation. Often it is thought diarrhea, but it can present as diarrhea, constipation or both. With IBD with constipation hydration is very important, so a all wet food...
  7. bearNrocko

    Possible IBD?

    ...mental health SO much since my 20 year old (Bear) died in 2019. AND, of course, I just had to look at what Google had to say.... Can untreated IBD cause cancer...? 🥺 Because I'm pretty sure Bear's adopted brother, Rocko, who died on me when he was 11 in (I think) 2011 had IBD. And he had...
  8. T

    Budesonide and constipation

    Hi @silent meowlook. Yes, he has herpes virus as well. I’m struggling to get a balance getting his Ibd control with budesonide and ensuring the steroids does not suppress his immune system too much. Prednisolone was causing the herpes virus to flare up just after a week! He had to go on...
  9. J

    raw diet and FIV positive

    Also, this site is for cats with IBD but is a great resource as well. Feline Nutrition & Health - Raw Feeding for IBD Cats
  10. mrsgreenjeens

    Cat has either IBD or SCL, need advice and some support

    Never having had a cat with either IBD or SCL, unfortunately I cannot answer your questions, but until someone comes along who might have those answers, I did do a search on "IBD or SCL" and here are the results: Search Results for Query: IBD or SCL It seems many people have cats that may or...
  11. maggie101

    Mass in brain, should I even consider raw diet?

    One of my cats has IBD. Unfortunately her prednisolone is long term until a cure is discovered for ibd. At least her amount is small.
  12. S

    IBD/nausea/no appetite

    Sigh. This seems to be a common problem lately. 16 yo cat has had IBD for a few years and has been stable. He eats Duck and Pea daily and seems to enjoy it. All of a sudden this week he seems to be nauseated and has no appetite. Vet gave him fluids, cerenia, and did bloodwork (good). He’s...
  13. IzzysfureverMom

    Constipation Meltdown!

    Did they say why they wanted to do an ultrasound? Before my cat ( 19 at that time) had been diagnosed with IBD they wanted to do a ultrasound to determine if she had IBD or lymphoma. I ask well either way you are going to give her prednisolone right? They said yes that's right, so I asked to...
  14. B

    Ckd cat: hairball starts an onslaught of vomiting and diarrhea

    This sounds like possible ibd. My cat also had clean bloodwork, clean X-rays, perfect fecal sample, so I requested an ultrasound. And that’s how it was found - early ibd. I’d definitely recommend bringing it up to your vet.
  15. stephanietx

    Cat seems scared

    If the vet thinks he has IBD, he should've given you something for indigestion and steroids to reduce inflammation. Those two things will help immensely. What food did the vet recommend? Some of the RX foods for IBD are not all that great, so many IBD kitty owners feed regular food, but nothing...
  16. lisahe

    hills w/d alternative for ibs?

    If only it were that simple to feed a food like Hill's to a cat to take care of both IBD and asthma. I don't mean to sound cynical but, put bluntly, one of our cats has IBD, the other has asthma, and I wouldn't feed these Hill's foods (I looked at the dry food and the "multi-benefit" chicken...
  17. FeebysOwner

    IBD, both cats?

    Hi. I don't think there is any concrete evidence that genetics play a role in IBD, but since they can with many afflictions, it probably can't be ruled out. And even if it were genetically induced, there is no guarantee that the treatment plan would match for both cats. If your current IBD cat...
  18. F

    IBD & Constant Vomiting

    ...for my cat. Poop (Siamese, age 7) has been vomiting constantly for almost three months now. What started as “maybe an ulcer” developed to an IBD diagnosis last Saturday. I love my vet, but I feel like I’m getting absolutely nowhere. I live in a small (albeit densely populated) town in Texas...
  19. stephanietx

    IBS ? Puking daily

    ...anti-nausea med such as Ondansetron (Zofran) which works better than Cerenia. Also, you may need an appetite stimulant and if the vet thinks it's IBD, then the normal treatment is a round of steroids for 10 days to help decrease inflammation. Pancreatitis often mimics IBD, so it could be that...
  20. FeebysOwner

    Do steroids help malabsorption?

    ...your post. If he did, it should have shown a low B-12 (cobalamin) level, which is what is usually done to determine malabsorption. Most cats with IBD have a low B-12 level and are then given injections of B-12 to build the level back up. Since any excess B-12 is excreted through urine, It...