Search Results for Query: pu surgery

  1. Barbiikitteh

    PU Surgery Recovery

    Hi everyone I'm Barb and my sweet boy Nubbins just had his PU Surgery Tuesday Feb, 13 2024. We're 5 days in recovery and like most of you who've gone through this surgery with your babies, I to am totally sleep deprived, on the verge of a panic attack all the time it seems. Him and I have...
  2. mrsgreenjeens

    Recovery Help For Post PU Surgery

    Not sure if you have already searched this site for other posts about PU surgery, but just in case, here is what I found: Your Vet should give you post surgery instructions, then perhaps there will be something in the above...
  3. fionasmom

    PU Surgery Recovery

    PU surgery is a fairly frequent topic here on TCS. Post PU Surgery Worries This is a recent thread which is still active Search Results for Query: PU surgery These are TCS threads about PU surgeries. Nubbins may have a very smooth recovery, so don't anticipate that you will have difficulty...
  4. Graham18

    Recovery Help For Post PU Surgery just over a week following a bladder infection the week before, my vet recommended that my male cat, Fluffy, receive an urgent PU surgery. On Tuesday evening I brought him to the emergency animal hospital and he received his surgery yesterday and it was successful and he is doing well and...
  5. fuilu

    Louis and violet

    Hi my names Tyler and im the dad of Louis and Violet! Louis recently just got PU surgery done he is back home and doing well! ( cat with cone is Louis)
  6. C

    Post PU surgery complications Distended bladder

    A family members cat had PU surgery on tuesday just gone. He had multiple blockages and it got to the point they struggled to catherterize him. All was looking fine on the thursday when he wee'd a little. Think 30%. Later that day he tried to wee again but only a few drops came out. His...
  7. B

    2 months post PU surgery, my baby started going to the litter box consistently today and is producing small puddles of urine at a time. Needing help

    I am needing all the help I can get. I’m very young, already in a lot of medical debt from my brain surgeries and my cat’s PU surgery. I’m worried sick I’m going to lose my closest friend in the whole world, I’ve only had a year and a half to spend with him. I love this cat as much as a human...
  8. fionasmom

    Post PU surgery complications Distended bladder

    Welcome to The Cat Site! PU surgery is a consistent topic here and there are numerous threads, most voicing some level of concern about follow up care or complications. Search Results for Query: PU surgery In the case of your family member's cat, your theories may be very correct, as may the...
  9. V

    What are you feeding your post PU surgery cat?

    My Romeo had PU surgery last June after repeatedly getting crystals in his urine. The surgery seems to be successful but I'm having problems feeding him and my other 10 cats. My vet said that because he had crystals, he can never eat anything but prescription food again. I started using Hills...
  10. Kwik

    Louis and violet

    :welcomesign: To TCS Tyler and God Bless Louis and Violet with long,healthy happy life with you❤️
  11. RooneyBrown

    PU surgery and FIC

    ...pee. 5/11/2023 we noticed he seems to be blocked. He spent 4 days at the er with catheter and fluids. He is back home now and we have PU surgery scheduled for Monday but I am very anxious over going through with it. I believe he has FIC and the blockages are stress related since there were...
  12. R

    Post PU Surgery Worries

    My boy Artemis is officially 2 weeks post-OP on Monday but he still pees very tiny small amounts and gets very upset that he can't lick right after, will just keep trying to through his cone for several minutes. Is this normal? :( I know I was warned to expect this in the beginning but...
  13. fionasmom

    Post PU Surgery Worries

    Welcome to both of you to The Cat Site! We have a substantial number of threads/posts about PU surgery recovery Search Results for Query: PU surgery One member, @Stargirl0623 contributed a lengthy account of her cat's recovery process. I have not ever had a cat who had this surgery, but...
  14. fuilu

    Litter mates no longer friends

    ...have two cats, Louis (Male) and violet (Female). they’re 2 years old and are litter mates, Louis was at the vet for 2 weeks because he had PU surgery, since he has been home, violet won’t stop hissing at louis since he came back from the vet yesterday and today shes still being aggressive to...
  15. B

    Has anyone had a kitty who only had a one-time urethral obstruction and never again after diet?

    ...Vet said it is likely crystals but still don't know exactly which type of crystals (his urine pH was around 8!). The vet mentioned getting PU surgery if he re-obstructs. The scary thing is when I research and read, it looks like re-obstruction is VERY common and usually within the first few...
  16. S

    Need Advice on PU Surgery Wound

    ...required such a high level of skill. She instead referred us to a practice in another city where one of the surgeons was a specialist in PU surgery. We drove him to see the surgeon, they admitted him and did the surgery (a very pricey experience) and he came home to several weeks of isolation...
  17. fionasmom

    2 months post PU surgery, my baby started going to the litter box consistently today and is producing small puddles of urine at a time. Needing help

    ...episode which will pass. It is possible that there is some kind of an infection and it is possible for another blockage to occur after PU surgery. This may be something that can be more easily treated than what you think, but you have no way of knowing what is going on unless the doctor looks...
  18. Barbiikitteh

    PH is too low

    My Nubbins had PU Surgery February 13 2024, for Oxalate Stones, these type of stones form when the urine is too acidic causing low PH levels and causing blockage. He's recovered amazing and I am so thrilled but we have been fighting to keep his PH above 5.0. A medicine has been brought up but if...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Post PU Surgery Life: Litter Box Problems

    ...and help you to know what to look for that would suggest things to be concerned about. Aside from that, until other members who have direct experience with post PU surgery care, maybe you would like to take a look at previous related posts? Search Results for Query: post PU surgery |...
  20. S

    2 months post PU surgery, my baby started going to the litter box consistently today and is producing small puddles of urine at a time. Needing help

    Hi. Cats can and do block after a PU surgery. I don’t know why they would have done one right away. It is usually a last resort procedure. Do you know why he was blocked? It is vital he be on a prescription canned diet. Who told you he didn’t need it? You have to try your best to get him into...