Search Results for Query: hcm

  1. DianaChimi

    Surgery on a cat with HCM

    Hi Friends, i wanted to ask if any of you has had any experience with your HCM cats going under general anesthesia, my baby boy has vaccine induced fibrosarcoma so he must have the lump removed. We're currently getting all the tests done to know if he will be able to resist it. Have any of you...
  2. Bishop1985

    Seeking Support for Persian Cat with HCM and IMHA | Urgent

    ...a complex health case with my furball. My 9-year-old Persian cat, Bishop, has recently been diagnosed with both hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA). He was diagnosed with HCM, a concerning condition affecting his heart in the first week of this...
  3. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    ...very well without side effects. Who should I believe??? Does anyone know if Prednisolone damages the heart?? Does anyone with a cat who has HCM used Pimobenden?? I'm afraid of putting him on another medication that will stress his kidneys. I'm trying to do some research on this new...
  4. RussellsMom

    Extremely elevated BNP - heart disease?

    fionasmom, if you're still reading: You mentioned that Jamie still has no symptoms 6 years after diagnosis with HCM. Has he been on any medications or other treatment for HCM all these years? I have read a lot of material today that indicates that many (most?) cats with subclinical HCM do not...
  5. fionasmom

    Lions mane

    Jamie did the same thing with his HCM medications. Suddenly it was not fun anymore.
  6. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    Hi Fionasmom - Just re-read your post and have a question for you. You said that your older HCM boy's HCM was uncovered when he had an ECG. Do you remember what the ECG revealed? Is he on any medication for the heart issue? I'm also curious about your internist's comment that the...
  7. A


    ...and did bloodwork. He had fluid in his lungs, and although the vet said she couldn't rule out FIP completely, she thinks it was heart disease-HCM, as she called it. Bloodwork showed something abnormal with his heart and something was off with his kidneys too. She didn't feel good about the...
  8. FeebysOwner

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    A lot of drugs are used off-label. especially when it comes to cats. But, that doesn't explain or answer your question about CHF vs HCM. First thing to do is ask the vet and see what they say. I do know that CHF can be caused by HCM. I also know that HCM requires an ECG and/or EKG to determine...
  9. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone the vet. I'm sure that he was super stressed. The vet did detect a heart murmur though... I think there is a connection between that and HCM. Unfortunately I live in Michigan's Upper Peninsula where the largest town in only 22,000 and there are no veterinary specialist here. The...
  10. IndyJones

    Extremely elevated BNP - heart disease?

    Hyperthyroidism and heart disease... This is my page chronicaling Kabuto's heart disease not sure if its helpful or not. My advice is enjoy what time you have left with your boy.
  11. fionasmom

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    Has Jengo had an ECG? I have one boy with HCM, although he has never been offered nor needed pred, so I can't speak to any experiences with that. My other boy had an emergency situation a few months ago with an inability to urinate and my own vet initially ran a number of tests, including...
  12. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    ...Jengo being on Pimobendan because I have read on legitimate medical sites, including the drug manufacturer's website, that it is not used for HCM but for CHF. The vet didn't say he has CHF though and she has never mentioned doing an ECG... probably doesn't have the equipment as she is just a...
  13. fionasmom

    Polyps/Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome

    Very typical of so many cats. My HCM boy was take off his meds by his cardiologist which was fortunate in a couple of ways. It was not a severe case, and he had decided that there was no way he was taking the meds no matter what I put them in or did to make them palatable.
  14. M

    Senior Cat diagnosed w HCM, high BP and seizures

    ...and high BP. Said the seizure was likely from high BP but he needed to follow up with a cardiologist. Cardiologist confirmed murmur, high BP and HCM (heart disease). All vets concluded that seizure was most likely due to that. He had another small seizure 3 weeks later and since has had...
  15. IndyJones

    Injectable anesthesia causing cardiac arrest in a (seemingly) healthy cat.

    ...can be sensitive to injectables in genneral due to their delicate kidneys. Many of them are metabolized in the kidneys or liver. I wouldn't say hcm is uncommon in cats but for a 6y cat it would be unusual as its an old cat disease most commonly seconday hcm comes from hyperthyroidism. Unless...
  16. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    Hi again FeebysOwner - I haven't been getting an email saying that someone responded so I'm behind on this forum. The vet finally got back to me late last Thurs. March 7th. She suggested doing an ultra-sound and EC=KG and sending it out for interpretation. I'm going to call and schedule that...
  17. Alldara

    Guessing my girl's age

    ...wild right up until their last 3 or 4 years together...and then Nobel was pretty play focused again once Magnus came...even with arthritis, HCM and general malaise he was using his legs to fling himself along the carpet on his side, or pull himself using his nails. Some cats just have a love...
  18. IndyJones

    Last Letter Starts the Next Cat-Related Word

    HCM (heart condition)
  19. BluOnyx

    High protein dry without soy, peas, lentils, seed oils? Even the salmon one has chicken fat. One of my boys can't each chicken or I would have switched all of them. I keep bouncing around trying to find one he likes but I have to be careful cause of his HCM. I can't do Blue LID because of the filler and the new one I got he is not a big fan of.
  20. FeebysOwner

    Cat not eating much has HCM and is going in for dental cleaning under an anesthesiologist.

    There is no specific forum for HCM on this site, so you have posted in the correct place. I guess you are saying that the only reason that Grey is not eating has been identified to be solely related to a dental issue? Nonetheless, I did a search of previous posts on this site related to HCM...