Search Results for Query: budesonide

  1. tarasgirl06

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Cindy, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. But Geoffrey had the tuna and wet food which he enjoyed. He was very happy. He let you clip his claws. You two had that very happy interlude together. And all things considered, it happened very quickly, and you were able...
  2. artiemom

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    ...This past Weekend I thought Geoffrey was doing a bit better. He was taking all his meds: Full dose of Mirataz, Cerenia, Zofran, Budesonide, with the Chemo Every other Day. The issues were constipation, NO Appetite. Not drinking. Miralax and Laxatone were given. Dr B thought it was...
  3. S

    Budesonide and constipation

    I don’t have experience with the Budesonide. I do know that raw diet isn’t recommended with cats that have any immune compromise. Also the raw diet can cause constipation.
  4. T

    Budesonide and constipation

    Hi @silent meowlook. Yes, he has herpes virus as well. I’m struggling to get a balance getting his Ibd control with budesonide and ensuring the steroids does not suppress his immune system too much. Prednisolone was causing the herpes virus to flare up just after a week! He had to go on...
  5. T

    Budesonide and constipation

    Oliver had 6 days on budesonide. read that budesonide can cause constipation. He has problems with constipation for 5 years now and well managed on Miralax. I’m worried that his constipation may get worse on budesonide. He does seem to be going less but no signs of constipation yet! Does...
  6. tabbytom

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

  7. tarasgirl06

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    Adding my *PRAYERS* and hugs to @Kwik's and hoping Geoffrey will soon feel much better. :redheartpump: :redcat::redheartpump::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
  8. artiemom

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    ...this morning. Gave him a dose of Cerenia.. He kept that down. Will try taking some food over to him, soon.. He needs his zofran and budesonide this morning.. It is a chemo day, but that may not be.... Called Vet, he is aware. Dam.. poor baby,, He is very sick.. you can see it. He was...
  9. O

    IBD and possible lymphoma, my cat is crashing

    I get it. There were times where I thought i'd get in trouble at work for being sleep deprived or taking him to so many vet appointments. I don't know how I survived some weeks but I know I have to push on to help him. I hope your Oliver gets back to a stable place! Eating like a horse...
  10. T

    IBD and possible lymphoma, my cat is crashing

    ...given. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this! I am going through a terrible flare with Oliver at the moment. I’m trying budesonide for the first time as he can’t tolerate prednisolone (herpes virus cat). He was not eating and extremely lethargic for 2 weeks and it got really...
  11. N

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    ...starts with chronic exposure to allergens. By the way, read up on Carageenan and see what you think. If anyone has any advice based on their experiences with treating feline small cell lymphoma, Chlorambucil, Budesonide, Prednisolone, or any related matter, I highly welcome hearing all...
  12. N

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    Hi, this info might come too late for the original poster. I did research on Budesonide for my cat (intestinal small cell lymphoma validated by PARR testing of mesenteric lymph nodes). I tried Prednisolone 2mg first but she reacted poorly so I quickly terminated that after 3 days, then 2 days...
  13. Mac and Cats

    Low potassium in Hyperthryoid, CKD, possible IBD or possible SCL

    Update on my Sweet Orange. He seems to be doing ok. I switched to Budesonide from Pred about 2 weeks ago. He does not seem quite as enthusiastic about food as he was on Pred. He is still eating, but he's a bit pickier. I've been using Mirtazapine (oral) about once a week. I truly hate to use it...
  14. FeebysOwner

    Need help understanding cat's rapid CKD decline & vet saying euthanize if no improvement in 2 days

    ...impacts on kidneys, but every cat is different, so it is possible Pred has played a role. I would ask about this and see if Phoebe could be placed on Budesonide instead. It works on the intestinal tract much like Pred but has far less impact on the rest of the body comparatively speaking.
  15. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    FeebysOwner - After research Jengo's recent heart diagnosis I found that Bengal (and other breeds) are more prone to HCM. I feel that my old vet should have know this and not insisted that he continue to take Prednisolone if he is prone to heart problems. This is so upsetting. I have been...
  16. Furballsmom

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    ...Would you be able to communicate with a University Medical Veterinary Department? This is a list in date order from TCS threads that mention Budesonide, but as feebysowner mentioned, I don't know if there's anything helpful or that answers your questions; Search Results for Query: budesonide
  17. FeebysOwner

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    Hi. I searched this site for previous threads - and the internet (as I am sure you did too)) - and found nothing about weaning/tapering Budesonide. I am thinking you might have some success on one of the forums related to IBD and/or SCL in cats since the members are more focused on treatments...
  18. P

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    Hi, my cat is currently on budesonide 1mg/daily for suspected IBD/SCL (no biopsy, just ultrasound showing thickening & enlarged lymph nodes). His only symptom is vomiting and it's well-controlled at this dose. I'm seeking insight on anyone's experiences with weaning or tapering budesonide...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone why the one vet didn't think it would be an issue - and, I suspect with some cats it is not. But, don't forget to ask the vet(s) about Budesonide instead of Pred. All meds are technically 'hard' on either the kidneys or the liver, ss they are processed by one or the other - some by both...