Search Results for Query: phenobarbital

  1. A

    New to Phenobarbital

    My cat Si is approximately 11 years old. Last Monday he had 2 seizures. After 2 separate emergency vet appointments he is now on phenobarbital, clindamycin and steroid prednisolone. Since starting the meds he is just not himself at all. Yesterday was 1 full week of treatment and all 3 meds are...
  2. Antonio65

    New to Phenobarbital

    In my case, the neurologist prescribed the phenobarbital after a visit that assessed the focal epilepsy. A neurologist should know the side effects of the med. And they should also prescribe the right dosage of phenobarbital. I believe it is necessary you find one.
  3. A

    New to Phenobarbital

    He is on 10mg/ml phenobarbital I give him 1 ml every 12 hours. 9:45 AM and PM
  4. Antonio65

    New to Phenobarbital

    I suggest you to keep a diary of how your Si feels and acts since day 1 of phenobarbital and inform your vet and the neurologist about this and every symptoms or odd signals you will see in your cat. If you have read my thread, you know that you have to check the level of phenobarbital in Si's...
  5. Antonio65

    New to Phenobarbital

    Hi and welcome to TCS! My cat Freya is on Phenobarbital too, and nothing else. She's been on the med for the last 13 months and I can tell you that the first weeks are the worst because the cat has to adjust its system to a new condition. Can you tell us what dosage of meds your cat is on? My...
  6. Adnil95

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    ...I'm sorry - actually had the same experience with Salem. Lately she threw up a few times andI had the suspect it might be because of phenobarbital. But just stomach juicess.. I read somewhere that prolonged usage of phenobarbital can give stomach issues (as well as face itching!). SoI tried...
  7. neely

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    This is wonderful and encouraging news! :goldstar: All your care and perseverance have helped Freya immensely. Fingers crossed for good results when they run the phenobarbital test in January.:crossfingers:
  8. Antonio65

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    ...down, come next to me on the sofa and would sleep quietly. On January 22nd, Monday, I had an appointment at the vets to have Freya's phenobarbital level in her blood checked. While I was there, I asked the vet to add another test, the LH test, to check again whether Freya's ovaries are still...
  9. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    ...has severe hyperesthesia. Even on 200mg/4mls of Gabapentin, he was growling at his tail while at the vet 😔. We're going to start him on Phenobarbital while weaning him off of Prozac as it does not seem to be doing anything. My husband pretty much told me that he does not want to spend anymore...
  10. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    It's interesting you mention this as I was just able to speak to the vet. She brought up Phenobarbital as our next course of action now. Our dog, who is pictured above, actually has epilepsy and we use Phenobarbital to help with that. It has proven to be a great drug for him reducing his seizure...
  11. Antonio65

    Cat Experiencing Episodes - Need Help

    ...under a few ways, my cat, for instance, looks confused about the environment she is in, she stops recognizing the places, us and her food. The last time she had an episode, two months ago, she looked fine until she started wobbling and then she gobbled her food down. My cat is on phenobarbital.
  12. Alldara

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    I'm so sorry. I hope a different medication works. It just really heckin sucks when we can't help them feel better <3
  13. Cat.mama

    phenobarbital and gabapentin

    ...on gabby which was kind of helping. The days she came home doped up and numb from surgery she ate like crazy. Doctor recommended the phenobarbital. Said it might help calm the nerves. First two weeks were going pretty good. She’s eating like normal in the evenings when dosed with both meds...
  14. posiepurrs

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    My Jack has been on phenobarbital for close to a year now with no problems. His seizures did increase so the vets added keppra and gabapentin. No seizures since. I chose not to have the MRI done due to cost ( on a fixed income)and because 2 vets told me that it would not change the prognosis...
  15. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    ...there. She is consulting with other specialists for advice. I feel like at this point we have tried to do so much for our poor guy and Phenobarbital is our next/last step. Last night while I was trying to soothe him from another episode, I had that feeling of loss with him. Not sure if that...
  16. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    Sorry to the hear that. :(... I spoke to the vet last week and she did suggest trying out Phenobarbital. It did seem seizure-like this weekend.
  17. Meanix

    Congenital portosystemic shunt amoxi drops

    ...not drooling. However stared drooling again about 2 days ago. She is also prescribed science diet k/d wet and dry food and takes 0.2ml phenobarbital once a day for seizures. Any insight about maybe changing antibiotic would be helpful. She stopped Lactulose as had a reaction to dose...
  18. fionasmom

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    If seizures are part of the problem and controlling the itch does not control them, then medication for seizures should be used (phenobarbital is the most common feline choice, but other medications are available as well). This sentence is from the second article that @Alldara cited and I had...
  19. Antonio65

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    ...a focal epilepsy of idiopathic nature. The neurologist saw Freya in May, after a strange episode at home, and prescribed a therapy with Phenobarbital (1.7mg/kg), then evaluate her dosage with a blood test after a few weeks. On that occasion, I got a prescription for this drug from this...
  20. posiepurrs

    Good thoughts needed

    Yes, it is phenobarbital tablets.