Search Results for Query: meloxicam

  1. IndyJones

    Human metacam (meloxicam)

    So we all know that metacam can cause problems for cats but my question is about the human drug meloxicam. Someone I know was perscribed meloxicam for reducing inflamation from an arthritic injury. Is it safe for humans to take meloxicam or is it also bad for people?
  2. S

    I need to air out the situation, and would welcome any advice The following is a packaged insert for Meloxicam inj. I had to screen shot and highlighted relevant parts. Meloxicam is not like other drugs for cats...
  3. fionasmom

    Antibiotics making cat stool soft

    I am guessing that the suggestion might have been to use metronidazole for the diarrhea, but I could be wrong. A known side effect of meloxicam is diarrhea.
  4. white shadow

    Antibiotics making cat stool soft

    . Hi @makomama (and welcome to the forum!) Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication that's used to prevent/control/eliminate pain in small animals, including cats. I'm not aware of any of is indications, nor even its side effects that might affect intestinal hydration...
  5. mani

    Antibiotics making cat stool soft

    I need to reinforce that meloxicam is not for this problem. It is an anti-inflammatory and can be contra-indicated for renal issues.
  6. stephanietx

    Maloxicam doses AFTER spay

    I would not give her the second dose of Meloxicam. She should be okay.
  7. makomama

    Antibiotics making cat stool soft

    Talk to your vet about meloxicam. It helps to firm up stool and can be safely given while on antibiotics. I am a vet tech and recently my own cat went through the same thing. Continue to make sure your cat is drinking enough water as well s8nce soft stool will dehydrate faster.
  8. IndyJones

    Maloxicam doses AFTER spay

    Meloxicam carries a black lable warning from the fda not to administer more than one injection or oral suspension in cats. My vet no longer perscribes it for my cats because I requested they not use it. Its not worth the risk imo. I know many cats get it off lable but I just don't feel...
  9. mani

    Human metacam (meloxicam)

    Anti inflammatories like meloxicam can badly affect people with digestive issues like stomach ulcers, Inflammatory bowel disorders such as Crohn's etc. They are contra-indicated in those situations. I'm not sure about kidney disorders in humans.. they're a contra-indication in cats for that.
  10. IndyJones

    Cat On Metacam Everyday, Best To Give Morning Or Night?

    Anything with an fda black box warning has good reason for it. If it says only one time than thats all my cats will be getting. Anytime I hear the M-words said I request a different medication. Information about the Boxed Warning on Meloxicam Labels.
  11. fionasmom

    Polyps/Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome

    It could be coincidental although when I looked at a few drug sites both were listed as being meloxicam with no filler being listed which doesn't mean that is the whole story. Is this the first day that food has not been eaten willingly?
  12. dncngqn

    Blood on Stool

    Metacam has been stopped immediately
  13. Alldara

    Blood on Stool

    I've never heard of metacam causing that. You should call your vet and ask for a different pain medication though. The VCA panflit says to stop Metacam if blood on stool. Meloxicam | VCA Animal Hospital | VCA Animal Hospitals
  14. S

    Lucy tearing jaw apart...

    ...gave you his cell phone number. Did you text and call? Sometimes they will respond better to a text. I agree that you may need another vet or at least a second opinion. If she was my cat I would hold off on the meloxicam. But that’s just me. I hate that drug. For pain, I would ask for buprenex.
  15. Rysiek

    Polyps/Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome

    He has been on Loxicom/meloxicam for around two weeks now...
  16. S

    Polyps/Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome
  17. candie

    Antibiotics making cat stool soft

    Sadly my vet is out of state. Hopefully maybe the other vet will help. I tried probiotics probably 3 different ones. She made a lesson my carpet so I'm going to need carpet cleaner
  18. Rysiek

    Polyps/Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome

    ...him, she was not really concerned... I may be over-sensitive to any minimal changes in his wellbeing... Read some articles about humans Meloxicam Withdrawal ( If meloxicam is used for pain, stopping might reveal underlying discomfort, warranting precautions...
  19. J

    Waiting for tooth to come out or nerve to die

    They put him on Buprenorphine, every 12 hours as long as needed. The one they took him off of was Meloxicam, every 24 hours. He had just had a dose of Meloxicam yesterday before I took him to the vet, so he hasn't officially started the Buprenorphine yet. He should be about due for a dose, but...