Search Results for Query: bone marrow

  1. denice

    Question of the Day, Saturday, April 8

    If anything is still good. I was in the bone marrow donor database for years but I never matched anyone. Fifty-five is the cutoff for donating bone marrow and I am 67 now. I originally got in the database because a Marine officer where I worked had leukemia and needed bone marrow. They came...
  2. L

    FeLV odds for young kitten?

    ...can take 60 days since exposure for it to show positive. But even then with kittens their maternal antibodies can hide it. And felv can lay dormant in the bone marrow and show up years later. So you never know until you know I guess. It’s at your own risk and what you feel comfortable with.

    Intestinal Mass in 15 yo FIV positive cat, whether to operate or not.

    ...a 15 year old cat and his red blood cell count keeps going higher and higher the vet said he has probably got something wrong with his bone marrow or he has a growth somewhere They could do a biopsy but at sandy age it could be risky So we have decided palliative care he has to take a...
  4. A

    Intestinal Mass in 15 yo FIV positive cat, whether to operate or not.

    Hello, Thanks for your message. I'm glad your cat is showing an improvement. Unfortunately, Jack's stool is really bad now, almost liquid and very red. My vet says nothing will help except surgery. Sadly Jack is going to get weaker quite quickly. I'm still wondering if I should have the surgery...
  5. FeebysOwner

    Metacam and possible blockage

    ...what seems like very little to go on. Did the ER vet have a copy of the bloodwork? Did they say why they were leaning toward the idea of bone marrow cancer? Talk over all the details with your vet about the blood work that was done, share with your vet whatever write-up the ER vet did (and...
  6. iPappy

    Chicken broth vs chicken bone broth

    I never buy a whole chicken, pieces work just fine! I personally prefer beef bone broth and use any marrow bones the butcher has, but I have two cats that don't handle beef well so I tend to make it in very small batches.
  7. artiemom

    Question of the Day, Saturday, April 8

    ...strange: when my dad died, they wanted to harvest his skin. That was the only thing which was of any value.. but, my dad dearly wanted to be buried next to my mom, intact. I had to refuse. While he was alive, he did volunteer for a research study-- a bone marrow biopsy. He suffered through...
  8. A

    Possible anemia-Desperately needing support

    Tosie is hospitalized. Her hematocrit got worse. Down to 11.9 now. She is undergoing a bone marrow biopsy today to determine if her marrow is producing rbc or not. The vets are now thinking it’s probably autoimmune but can’t say for sure until these results are back. I really did think she was...
  9. Antonio65

    Is this the end, desperate for anything else I can try?

    ...not low. The very low RBC and HCT are typical of anemia. As others said, check for fleas. The Reticulocytes are quite high, your cat's bone marrow is producing red cells, so the anemia is regenerative, this is good news. Other than handfeeding her, as suggested, and giving her high calories...
  10. F

    Too much magnesium?

    ...of the bones in their meal. Bone content is 6-7%. Has anybody experienced this with home made meals? I thought about extracting the bone marrow but then the bone also acts as an important source of minerals, but the only way to alleviate his symptom is to use less bones and maybe add broth to...
  11. K

    Weird Symptoms.. urgent help?! a FNA but that it would be risky given his low platelet count and since there was no obvious mass anywhere. They also mentioned a bone marrow biopsy but said that would be very risky now too. I am worried about being able to increase his platelets but concerned that the blood transfusion...
  12. di and bob

    For those caring for their felines who have non regenerative anemia - please post your stories and caring tips

    ...I just try to get them to take a few licks of Delectable Lickables in the stew flavors, and pray to get them through 30 days when their bone marrow can make more cells, no matter how few. If the cat is still alive, the bone marrow is still functioning somewhat and the kidneys are still...
  13. Susanna72

    Finicky eater won't eat

    ...I think it might be time to let him go. We tried." My regular vet agreed. Between the anemia and the cancer being so aggressive, in his bone marrow, and not eating/drinking enough, it was just too much for his little body. He's gotten so skinny and weak over the past few weeks. He was 12 and...
  14. MeowHiss

    Advice on bone marrow biopsy test

    ...were low also, but there was clumping on her blood samples. I asked the vet about leukemia, the cancer, and he said we could do a bone marrow biopsy, but he didn't suggest it at this time. Mostly because my cat was acting normal and a biopsy is very stressful. Since she was acting normal...
  15. Susanna72

    Finicky eater won't eat home every month, but they said they gave him the right drug today. They said the cancer is behaving aggressively and appears to be in bone marrow based on numbers, so I opted for the more aggressive approach. However, he won’t come out of his carrier. I’m leaving him be, but if this makes...
  16. Margot Lane

    Frustrated to the point of tears

    If she is drinking goat‘s milk might she try other liquids like bone marrow?
  17. Antonio65

    Severe Non Regenerative Anemia Suspect Secondary to Mycoplasma Infection I am aware that the issue may come up in some other cat, including mine (which, incidentally, is also hemophiliac). So, my only successful case was solved with a very long course of prednisolone at rather high dosage to push her bone marrow to produce as many red blood cells as possible.
  18. fionasmom

    Advice on bone marrow biopsy test

    @andreiamlm @fibonacci_das Search Results for Query: bone marrow I am sorry that you did not receive a reply to this. If I am correct, the two members above did have bone marrow biopsies on their cats. More is included in the threads included above. It seems as if your vet does not want to...
  19. Antonio65

    Struggling with whether to euthanize

    ...feral cat a three of years ago, she was sick, very sick, thin and weak. She was diagnosed with non-regenrative anemia. The vet also did a bone marrow sample to test it and they confirmed that the anemia couldn't be fixed. They proposed the euthanasia for the cat, because she was declining and...
  20. A

    Struggling with whether to euthanize

    Thanks for your encouragement as well as advice. I did check with the vet about kidney disease and the answer I received is in an update i just posted on Baby. I do trust my vet’s judgement on this. Kidney disease will probably be something we have to address in the future for Baby but not...