Search Results for Query: gulping

  1. FeebysOwner

    Gag reflex question (I think?)

    Oh, I misunderstood; I thought he had done it before - as he has with the gulping, only this time it was longer between when he ate and when he 'gagged'. Nonetheless, maybe it was just a one time thing. So, I'd still monitor him to see if it starts happening with any frequency. The fact that it...
  2. K

    What could this wincing/quivering be?

    ...around 18 hours without urinating but it was closer to his normal volume and he has been drinking ok after. He was kind of lip smacking and a gulping sound periodically thru the night and for him that usually indicates a hairball bugging him. I gave him just under a 1/4 teaspoon of miralax...
  3. furmonster mom

    My cat ate WHOLE quail leg!!

    I would not break it at the joints Rather, I would pound/crush it with a mallet, but leave it whole. The idea is to get her out of the gulping habit, and encourage chomping. Smaller pieces would just enable the gulping. Another approach might be to hold the small end and let kitty chomp on...
  4. amberkenn2016

    Jasper has IBD and now is experiencing constipation

    ...Jasper has been eating Instinct Rabbit pate wet food, slowly introducing it to him. First off, he's RAVENOUS for it. Second, he has been "gulping" quite a bit less, so I'm guessing the rabbit was the right move, though it may be too soon to tell. I kinda wanna celebrate it a small bit though...
  5. Furballsmom

    Mama Cat

    Hi Is she eating really fast, like almost gulping her food down? How is she otherwise?
  6. FeebysOwner

    Gag reflex question (I think?)

    ...seem that the food is necessarily disagreeing with his system. Perhaps those times that he does this is when he has eaten too fast, either gulping air, as the vet suggested, or overloading his stomach with too much food too quickly. This could just be another thing that he does, just like...
  7. stephanietx

    Cat sneezing/coughing?

    ...take more videos and show them to the vet. My Daisy has asthma and has an attack about every 3-4 days. Her breathing/purr sounds wet and she starts gulping (big swallow) prior to an attack. We give her prednisone at night every 3-4 days and it helps. In between, we give her a nebulizer treatment.
  8. S

    Cat gagging when purring?

    Hello! The past couple days I’ve noticed my cat Stella (8 y/o) has been kind of gagging or like… gulping? But only when she is purring. She swallows and kind of moves her head forward at the same time. Since it only happens when she’s purring, that makes me think she has something bothering her...
  9. amberkenn2016

    Jasper has IBD and now is experiencing constipation normal I'd say. He was laying on his back and sleeping for a bit, which makes me believe he was feeling alot better. Today however, he is gulping a little still and can't relax on his back again. I am giving him the Zofran 2x a day, 2mg each time. I was hoping this would help us, but now...
  10. C

    Hill's Stress Urinary Care Alternative?

    ...just in case, and prednisolone. Now he's just on prednisolone and my vet suggested the Hills muticare urinary stress food. He's only been eating it for two days and I introduced it slowly, between 5-10% into his normal food, and he's doing a lot of gulping like it's not agreeing with him.
  11. lisahe

    Jasper has IBD and now is experiencing constipation

    I'm glad to hear this update! I hope you mean that he's already calmer and has less stomach agitation without the elm or the drops -- it's always great when these problems can be resolved with just food! Fingers crossed that Jasper continues to feel better. And eat rabbit ravenously.
  12. Alldara

    7 y.o. siblings vomiting - refusing food

    Please do give your vet a call or the emergency vet in your area. My understanding is that the flattening of the head and gulping breaths are serious symptoms that should be addressed ASAP at the vet. Depending on what they got in to, they may need urgent medicine to prevent permanent damage...
  13. Box of Rain

    My cat ate WHOLE quail leg!!

    With the gizzards, I might try putting on a very light sear--just enough to "put on a nose" on the outside--to see if that perks up an interest. Worth a shot. Bill
  14. SeliphielWolf

    Mama Cat

    Yes, she eats really fast. She starts shaking when she first smells the food. And the shakes continue while she eats. Other then that, nothing. She active, playing a lot. And very vocal. Another thing, she is pregnant. About a month and a half. Idk if that has something to do with her shakes.
  15. gabicards

    Gag reflex question (I think?)

    This has only ever happened once, that I've seen it. I'm around for his meals more often than not, so I think it would have been hard to miss, to be honest. It wasn't the same as when he "gulps" after eating... when he does that, it's just once. This time, it went on for a little bit (10-20...
  16. FredMD

    My cat ate WHOLE quail leg!!

    This is what I've been doing, just feeding large chunks of quail. She chews them for a minute or so before gulping so I guess it's better than nothing. I have also been adding chunks of pork to her food. I am hesitant to try smashing the wings or feet because I still feel like she would try to...
  17. Box of Rain

    My cat ate WHOLE quail leg!!

    ...find small ones) for supervised feedings. I have more experience with dogs and raw feeding, but many canines go through the same process of "gulping" and then learning to crush and tear. Some cats seem to get it right away, others take time. My Desmond "got it" right away, but his capacity...
  18. tabbytom

    Likely feral Kittens of uncertain age

    ...are abandoned this way by humans as they just dumped them somewhere and the kittens have to fend for themselves and therefore like this one, gulping down the food and that shows that he is very hungry and probably not have food for some time. They dare come near you but the hissing and...
  19. suzeanna

    How to slow my cat down when eating?

    Spreading out their food intake over more meals might help since they won't be as starving and less likely to eat so quickly at each meal, and there will also be less food in their stomach to potentially cause them to throw up if they inhale too much air while gulping it down.
  20. rubysmama

    February 2022 book of the month club - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

    I knew you were a quick reader, but that is impressive. :goldstar: She didn't need to eat, as she was gulping down the book. :lol: