Search Results for Query: clomipramine

  1. Ezavora


    Has anyone used this as a treatment for urine marking? I'm going to the vet this week to discuss if it's an option for my cat im just trying to get some insight on this medication ahead of time.
  2. S

    Do hormone tests for cats exist besides for pregnancies? Plus more questions...

    This is a very long story that I have posted about before, so I will have to omit a lot of details to keep this short. Pretty much 8ish months ago I tried to get my outdoor cat (not my house, not my rules) spayed but the person on the phone wouldn't let me schedule an appointment to do it. By...
  3. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    Hi there, First of all, I feel like I always come back here when I am struggling with one of my kitties and people are so nice and thoughtful here that I just want to say thank you in advance. We adopted Lugosi in July of 2022 knowing he had some behavioral issues. He would overgroom himself...
  4. birdlady99

    (Suspected) Feline Hyperesthesia

    Little Cat was fine up until a couple weeks ago, where she started showing symptoms of hyperesthesia. At first she would just once in a while lash her tail and stare at it. We have another cat who has this disorder but she’s never needed any treatment, as long as we only pet her head she doesn’t...
  5. M

    Overgrooming Cat + BM issues = Prozac

    Hi y'all, For the last several months, since October 2021, my cat has been over grooming her stomach in one spot just between her hind legs. We traced it back to a recent food change, since she and her sister for no good reason suddenly rejected the food they'd been eating for ages. Her sister...
  6. C

    Rolling Skin Syndrome

    We've been dealing with 'rolling cat syndrome' for 3 years with our 10 year old cat. She just went up to .4 ml of fluoxetine which helps, but isn't a complete solution as she still pulls her hair out, bites herself when agitated and hides when it is really bad. Does anyone know of better treatments?
  7. M

    Medicating for specific outing (grooming session)

    ...cannot find anything on Google or on here, so admin please delete if this is already covered somewhere. RE: Clomav - otherwise called Clomipramine hydrochloride". My question is : Does anyone know if this will work on an AS NEEDED basis? Or is it the kind that takes 6 weeks to start...
  8. W

    Cat arthritis medications and supplements: NSAIDs, Endo Blend, Agile Joints?

    Hi everyone, my cat Mumu has arthritis in her joints and hips, and has been getting laser and Adequan treatments for a full year. In the last month, she has been laying down a lot more, not walking around as much, even with these treatments. We're gonna keep doing both the laser and Adequan, but...
  9. J

    Redirected aggression- cats seperate for months, any hope?

    ...responded to actually seeing Thor, and he is still very, very fixated. As the Prozac didn't seem to be helping, we started Oliver on Clomipramine, but that turned him into a zombie cat- he was sleeping all day and much less interactive and happy. We're currently trying it at a half dose...
  10. SteveJohn

    Is it time to remove my cats tail?

    Well after many months of trying to help my cat with her tail it seems we are coming to a dead end. She was attacking her tail badly making horrible noises. Cutting it and leaving deep wounds all over. She has an X-ray there was no damage. She had her tail saved and infections drained. She was...
  11. Catsmouse

    Medication for anxiety

    Bet gave me a medication for anxiety for my 5 year old kitty. She stresses over everything and then develops a UTI. Got Baytil for that but he gave a sedative that I'm not sure of. All it says on the bottle is Ace 10. To be used when anxiety is extreme. Is this medicine safe? And can I cut it...
  12. M

    What Is The Medicine Of Choice For Ocd

    I read recently that Clomipramine was the only approved drug for OCD, behavior issues in cats. My vet told me Saturday that they don't prescribe that anymore. What is the medicine that would be used in a cat with an OCD issue?
  13. Friend's Friend

    Hyperesthesia And Long-term Gabapentin

    Hey friends! Yet again I apologize for being the person who posts and runs, only to squiggle back a few months later with another question. I deeply appreciate everyone's kindness, patience and advice. <3 My situation this go-around is this: Friend's been diagnosed about two months ago with...
  14. TheRealAudreyParker

    Should I Give Up?

    I took in my grandma's cat last July. He is 7yrs old and had lived with her his whole life. My uncles would visit and tease him. I have three other cats. We introduced slowly and have given equal treats, play time and attention. When he first came he was very scared and hissed at everything. He...
  15. Kelise

    Severe Hair Loss

    ...all blood values were normal. She sent his photos to an animal dermatologist to see what they think. In the meantime, she gave me some Clomipramine to see if it might be neurotic over-grooming (personally I think not). I haven't given him the Clomipramine because I am running it by the...
  16. L

    Stressed cat w/ inappropriate peeing, treatments not working She has even sprayed a few times (which I didn't know a female could do?). We already use a Feliway diffuser. The vet put her on Clomipramine 4 days ago. We've separated her to the basement for now because it has hard floors so she doesn't ruin our flooring. However now for 36 hours...
  17. G

    No Idea What To Do. Cat Making House His Toilet.

    Hi everyone, I’m new here. I am seeking advice and it’s very appreciated! I have two rescued cats, litter mates. I adopted them from a shelter several years ago. About 3 years ago one cat started pooping in any and all visitors suitcases, on their clothes if left out (such as a jacket that was...
  18. jessglanz

    Prozac Turned Zombie Cat

    Hi guys. It’s been a while. Since I last posted here I’ve become quite the cat lady. I’ve fostered almost 100 kittens, specializing in ferals and neonatals. Here’s my problem.. About a year ago Ollie started spraying. (He’s neutered) The first thing we did was take him to the vet to rule out...
  19. J

    Female Cat Spraying

    ...first week we saw slight improvement. She returned to her old ways. The dosage was increased with no effect. Has anyone ever used Fluoxetine (Prozac), Clomipramine (Clomicalm) or Elavil (Amitriptyline) for spraying? HELP my husband says if we dont get it under control soon...out the door she...
  20. kiera

    Cat Overgrooming, Back Legs Always Bloody.

    Took her to the vet several times, she's had:  -steroid cream.  -steroid injections.  -change of food.  -feliway diffusers.  -specialised shampoo. None of these has made a difference and the vet keeps putting it down to stress. Nothing is helping. It's mainly her legs that are being chewed to...