Search Results for Query: hip dislocation

  1. fionasmom

    Ortho reference

    ...of Veterinary Surgeons directory, in the event that you decide that you need to pursue surgery. Search Results for Query: femoral head ostectomy The Cat Site search for members who have posted anything about FHO surgery Search Results for Query: hip dislocation TCS mentions of hip dislocation
  2. B

    Ortho reference

    I have a 4 mo kitten that has a traumatic posterior hip dislocation (in addition to transphyseal fracture) and am wondering about the results of non-operative treatment vs femoral head ostectomy Would appreciate reference to any literature discussing outcomes of both options
  3. Jcatbird

    1 year old cat with back leg weakness & trouble jumping

    We all grasp at straws when looking for answers. There are so many possible answers here. Any chance of a back injury? Anything fall that could have hit her back? Were X-rays done of back and hips? Hi problems happen fairly often. I have a me who started doing what you describe. The vet I took...
  4. P

    Cat hinds paralyze and not urinating

    ...given 5 days patch (fentanyl) and given meloxicam. 13Sep we brought him to vet again as limping still bad. xray taken and suspected hip dislocation. Given meloxicam for 2 weeks till the next review. He is to be confined so that he would not hurt his leg further. He still pee and poop as...
  5. Sarthur2

    My Cat Got A Fracture And I Need Ur Help

    ...If the vet hospital did not do any of the above, why not? Please read about broken hip joints and treatment: Broken Bones in Cats Hip Dislocation and Post-Op Care in Cats Can a friend or family member keep your younger cat for a month while the injured cat heals? Also, you will need to...
  6. samyoz

    My Cat Got A Fracture And I Need Ur Help

    I'm not in the US. the vet who took the x-ray said the only way for the fracture to mend is naturally, and by resting the elimination of activities will help the natural healing process. gave him an anti-inflammatory dose and no pills no painkillers were suggested. I do not know why no I don't...
  7. merree

    Paresis After Dog Attack

    Two weeks on from the dog attack and she seems to be coping with cage rest. Her urine cleared up over the course of a day or so. She can stand and walk and use a pee pad, and will try to jump if she thinks she can escape. I am concerned about the shape of her hip when she stands. It looks like...
  8. A

    Adopting Another Kitten?

    My Persian kitten is almost 3 months old. About a week ago she was injured and that broke her right hind leg hip bone and caused slight dislocation of the left hind leg..she is undergoing medication but won't eat unless given by syringe.. forcefully. But now I stopped that too...upon her vets...
  9. K

    Injured stray feral cat - guilt after euthanasia’s med report and it only said “Multiple puncture wound (but does not speculate the cause), fractured leg near the hock and right hip dislocation.” I’m having some emotional rollercoaster. Not trying to torture myself, but sometimes it creeps up on me, remembering kitty. How he meowed and...
  10. kawaiikitty

    Mysterious (possible) Hind Leg/Hip Injury...

    ...hopped in the shower because we were planning to take her to an emergency vet, the closest being 2 hours away, while I researched hip dislocation (which was my first thought by how she appeared) and kitty napped in our bedroom. Then she got up again and meowed at me (she is a talker and it...
  11. catpack

    X-ray reading help Please!

    ...I AM NOT A VET AND HAVE NO PROFESSIONAL TRAINING. However, I have seen multiple orthopedic issues, including breaks, fractures, hip dislocation, luxating patellas, hip dysplasia, etc... This is my unprofessional take on the images: First, she appears to be bloated. What did the vet say...
  12. marjoh92

    My cat needs surgeries

    Hi, I know this might not be the place for this, but I'm really desperate! I have a beautiful 1 year old Maine Coon girl named Bubble. She startet to get her knees dislocated last week. A trip to the vet showed that her hips are not sitting correctly in their sockets, which puts a lot of...
  13. skimble

    Broken Pelvic bone

    You are doing a great job staying on top of her injury. I'm so glad to read that she is eating and starting to use the litter box. It's good to check with the vet about her paw turning inward. I know in humans with a hip fracture or dislocation the foot will turn inward. The vet can look at...
  14. kluchetta

    I've found the answer to expensive gyms!

    WOW! I have SOOOO been there done that! I, too, was born with hip displaysia, but they did find it so I was somewhat treated as an infant. However, they didn't quite get the right hip socket deep enough. So I had an acetabular osteotomy at 38! (break pelvis, rotate cup, pin pelvis, LOL) It...
  15. snosrap5

    Please Help "kitty" !!!!!!

    I would say a vet visit is in order. It really could be a number of things from neurological to hip dislocation.
  16. dragoriana

    I've found the answer to expensive gyms!

    I was born with hip dislocation (congenital hip dysplasia) as babies are very flexible, they don't always find these problems, in my case, not till i was about 4, i had my operation at 5. A femoral osteotomy - They cleaned overgrown tissues out of the socket, pushed the ball back in, cut into...
  17. gailuvscats

    help need advice

    I found a in depth paper on this. It appears that surgery is pretty succesful, and I am not sure it says to wait for surgery, it sounds like earlier is better, but I only skimmed. I am going to attach it. It sounds like if you want to keep the cat, the surgery is essential. It also discussed...