Search Results for Query: femoral head ostectomy

  1. fionasmom

    Ortho reference

    ...of Veterinary Surgeons directory, in the event that you decide that you need to pursue surgery. Search Results for Query: femoral head ostectomy The Cat Site search for members who have posted anything about FHO surgery Search Results for Query: hip dislocation TCS mentions of hip dislocation
  2. B

    Ortho reference

    I have a 4 mo kitten that has a traumatic posterior hip dislocation (in addition to transphyseal fracture) and am wondering about the results of non-operative treatment vs femoral head ostectomy Would appreciate reference to any literature discussing outcomes of both options
  3. fionasmom

    Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease - Just Diagnosed.

    Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) in Cats | VCA Animal Hospital It is more common in dogs and the surgery is usually successful. I would proceed with whatever consultations you need to see if you can restore your little boy to good health and mobility. On the show, Dr. Jeff, Rocky Mountain Vet, it...
  4. arr

    What was your biggest vet bill? What happened?

    Fizzbin needed a femoral head ostectomy after he broke his hip. With the emergency vet and then the surgery, it all came to a little over $2000.
  5. arr

    Ortho reference

    If it’s of any help, one of my cats had the femoral head ostectomy after fracturing his hip around the age of 1 1/2. He did not need to recover in a cage, he recovered in a small room with nothing he could jump up on. They sent him home with painkillers for several days to be more comfortable...
  6. OopsyDaisy

    Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease - Just Diagnosed.

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I've had cats my entire life and I have never come across this. He is taking his medicine like a champ and the vet is supposed to get back to me within a few days after she consults with the specialists. I just love him so much. I've had cats my entire life...
  7. Siamic

    Making another book - thoughts?

    ...sugar diabetes, nasal polyps, hyperthyroidism, aggression, eye infection, leg removals, paralyzed leg rehabilitation, femoral head ostectomy rehabilitation, broken jaw recovery, cleft palate, urinary blockage, sugar bandage, IBD, cognitive dysfunction, melanosis of the eye, frostbite...
  8. Margret

    I'm Not Sure What Happened To My Cat! an option. If he had the surgery I think he did then he definitely needs pain meds. Did he have something called a Femoral Head Ostectomy, or FHO? Also, I had surgery in March to repair the bones of my wrist; trust me - I needed pain meds after, and I was in a cast. Many years ago I had...
  9. Margret

    Anyone Have Experience With A Cat That Had Fho Surgery?

    ...there is very little out there about double FHO. The only thing I was able to find about that is this blog: Bentley’s FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy) experience, and it appears that Bentley had the two hips done in separate surgeries, which reduces the match. What I found about FHO sounds...
  10. T

    Bilateral Femoral Head Ostectomy FHO

    My two year old male rag doll simamese cat had an FHO on both sides, 3 weeks apart. The first time, he was just sore, not jumping or running so I took him in and we had the first one done, it was healing nicely and he started to return to his old self. Then a few weeks later the garbage truck...
  11. M

    6 month old kitten, femoral head ostectomy and the future

    My kitten Gray Man recently had this surgery (woke up to him in pain, no idea how he completely fractured his femoral neck). His vet is great, but didn't give me many answers to my long term surgical follow-up questions. Basically, if anyone here has had a cat require this surgery, a while...
  12. C

    Feline Hip Displasia??

    ...where they will assess him and give him whatever procedure is required for a reasonable price. After your mention of the Femoral Head Ostectomy cprcheetah, I researched it and feel that this may be his best shot at a return to normal life and the procedure seems to be quite routine with...
  13. bentleysmommy

    Our Bentley had 2 FHO surgerys

    Well the link to the Blog had to be removed however, you can find it by typing into the Google search: FHO surgery in cats Our Bentley's FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy) experience the one!  
  14. M

    femoral head ostectomy

    Our newest kitty, Jupiter, just had femoral head ostectomy yesterday and came home this morning. He and his mom and siblings were strays that my sister-in-law has been feeding and before we could get them in Jupiter was hit by a van. Everyone has been caught and the 3 other kittens are at the...
  15. Z

    Femoral Head Ostectomy or FHO

    one of mine had one 5 weeks ago after being hit by a car. i was freaked out at the thought of him having his femoral head cut off. i googled it and found a blog with lots of stories that eased my mind (am i allowed to post it?) it took 2...
  16. bazkitty

    Femoral Head Ostectomy or FHO

    Has anyone ever had one of these done? I have done a lot of reading on the subject and may have (read most likely will have to have) one of my cats have one. Let me back up a little bit, and I apologize beforehand if I get long-winded. Around the first of the year, we noticed Kenna, our (we...
  17. H

    Please help: my cat has bilateral femoral neck fractures

    ...about to pounce on his fur-brother...and so obviously, it was worth every penny for them. So Milo will have the bilateral femoral head ostectomy procedure, I've decided. As it turns out, for cats and small dogs, the FHO procedure is just about as good as the total hip replacement, and a...
  18. H

    Feline Hip Dysplacia simple as a jump off the couch. I just got home about an hour ago with Milo (who is on post op day one from a bilateral femoral head ostectomy). Our story is that last Saturday morning, we woke up around 8:30....when Milo heard my husband moving around in the kitchen, he woke up too, and...
  19. P

    Feline FHO

    ...did not develop correctly when he was a kitten (perhaps as a result of being neutered early). He needs a $1600 surgery called femoral head ostectomy. The good news is that they believe after recoverying from the procedure the vet thinks he will be able to live a happy, pain-free life. Has...