Search Results for Query: multiple myeloma

  1. L

    Multiple Myeloma ....

    Hi, My cat Odin was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Feb. 2021, He was on chlorambucil until January 2022 when it seemed like he had something called Fanconi's syndrome as a result of the Chl- chemo treatment. He did go into remission. He is also on Prednilisone and has been throughout...
  2. L

    Multiple Myeloma ....

    Thank you I will read them!
  3. fionasmom

    Multiple Myeloma .... helpful or not. Fanconi's Syndrome is also very rare in cats. THE FELINE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP | Facebook This is a feline cancer support group that you might investigate Search Results for Query: multiple myeloma TCS threads about MM. Some are in the non-cat forums, so mention humans...
  4. L

    Multiple Myeloma ....

    ...ago he had to be expressed quite a few times and then was blocked and then had the PU surgery at the Emergency Vet. And now the multiple myeloma. I want to try this and am hopeful it will work again- but with him not eating today I am so worried I am making things worse for him. With the...
  5. L

    Multiple Myeloma .... 10 pounds. Then April 28th- no eating and the blood drawing on April 29th - results on Monday May 2 that seem to indicate the multiple myeloma is coming back. I did order the Chlorambucil for him again- oncologist prescribed. The oncologist questions whether it was Fanconi's syndrome in...
  6. Furballsmom

    Bad Side Effects With Palladia?

    This post may help regarding the cancer board; Does Anyone Have Any Experience With Cats With Multiple Myeloma?
  7. Jemima Lucca

    The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2020

    ...his own (finally). We have blocked him from our phone because of his behavior with us and it’s heartbreaking to us. My husband has multiple myeloma cancer, kidney failure and heart issues and we have to concentrate on us right now but it’s the hardest thing we’ve ever done. Being a parent is...
  8. Winchester

    Question Of The Day - Thursday 30 May

    ...up. And itch. Man, it all itched. After going to two allergists and my family doctor, and having blood work that tested negative for multiple myeloma, everybody determined that I had developed the allergy. I haven't had any OTC pain meds in years. And believe me, I am not amused. Oh, and...
  9. inkysmom

    Another Sick Cat

    I just now got the call from the vet. It's multiple myeloma. She said it's pretty rare in cats, great. But cats can respond well to chemotherapy. Good thing I have pet insurance. He also had completely normal blood work last winter or spring so it's fairly early. She told me to have him see...
  10. tarasgirl06

    Question Of The Day - Thursday 30 May

    That's TOUGH. *Wishing you no pain!*
  11. inkysmom

    My Cat Did Not Return Home, Is It Over ?!

    ...outright. I only keep giving it because I feel so sorry for your sweet cat who stands to suffer from any bad decisions. My cat has multiple myeloma which is a cancer of the blood cells. I don't think in any way that it's from his microchip which is slightly under his skin; that's completely...
  12. inkysmom

    Does Anyone Have Any Experience With Cats With Multiple Myeloma?

    ...says go to the ER after doing a lot of test and some abnormal results. He gets a million tests and an ultrasound . Diagnosed with multiple myeloma which is rare in cats. Paperwork says fifty percent of cats are alive four to six months later and many cats respond very to chemotherapy but...
  13. mrsgreenjeens

    Bad Bloods! Disappearing Fiv. Possible Cancer?

    Wow! I must say this is a new one on me. I don't have any experience with either FIV or cancer, but there are MANY members of TCS who've had cancer cats. Mostly Lymphoma, but other types as well. Here is a thread about Bone Marrow Cancer, aka Myeloma: Multiple myeloma
  14. inkysmom

    My Beautiful Cat Is Dying ... Prayers

    ...comment And all the best to you! I really need to try to get over my anger at the incompetent vets who told me clearly now that multiple myeloma shows up in bones but says, despite this, they don't routinely scan to stage for levels of cancer in pets. It's apparently a bone cancer which I'm...
  15. inkysmom

    Should I Give Up? current cats who have had an intestinal blockage which needed surgery, benign ear tumors which needed laser surgery to remove, multiple myeloma cancer which is rare in cats, allergies to everything and allergy induced asthma. I've also dealt with stomatitis, insulin dependent diabetes...
  16. mrsgreenjeens

    Cat Diagnosed With Myeloma. Looking For Support Or Others Who Have Been Through This

    I don't know if this is the same thing, since this cat had what's called Multiple Myeloma, but he ended up getting the treatment and did GREAT: Multiple myeloma There are many cats here on TCS who have ended up having some form of cancer though, and several have had chemo. It's not like with...
  17. inkysmom

    Denamarin And How To Give Pill To Cat

    My car is on a chemotherapy treatment at home for multiple myeloma (blood cancer that's also in spleen and liver but is almost gone after just three days of chemo). Problem is cats don't respond to chemo very long typically. He gets two big pills daily, chemo which I can't touch without gloves...
  18. LisaT.

    Bone Marrow Cancer

    Beamer was diagnosed with Bone Marrow Cancer, or Multiple Myeloma, as the oncologist put it (he said both) on 8/31/17. The oncologist looked at him and due to the tumor on his right forearm and the x-rays of the cancer, gave him 4 months to live. However, he is eating and drinking, wanting...
  19. L

    Multiple myeloma

    Hi I am new to the site . My 14 yr old cat Vito has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma . The treatment is chemotherapy . I'm not sure what to do ? Will my cat get sick from chemo ? Is it worth it ? Should I just let him live his life until he gets sick ...he is acting fine now ....back in...
  20. G

    Bone Marrow Cancer

    ...physician in Internal Medicine, not a veterinarian, but have considerable experience in oncology, including the management of human multiple myeloma. I understand that the pathology of feline myeloma is not too dissimilar to the human disease, but your vet should be able to give you...