Search Results for Query: depo medrol

  1. J

    Depo-Medrol / Clavacillin for URI

    7 year old male cat sneezing, watery eyes, shaking head, runny nose. Took to vet and she gave him a shot of Depro-Medrol and said if no improvement in a few days she would write script for antibiotic. Fast forward 2 days and I don't see much if any improvement. Cat sleeps more than normal and...
  2. Rysiek

    Depo medrol

    I am really puzzled..My cat had depo medrol last Tuesday, since then acting strangely, really lethargic... Today I went again with him, he was sedated to have his blood taken, everything is normal. The vet said that depo medrol does not cause lethargy. This is not what I read... I feel really...
  3. S

    My cat’s nose is getting worse

    So I went today and they gave her an injection of depo medrol. Worried how that will affect her. I just don’t feel I’m being heard, the doctor said the wipes shouldn’t be doing anything but it did so. I just hope she makes it after this injection.
  4. FriendofFerals

    Depo-medrol in a diabetic/CKD cat

    The situation: In November, 2023, I had my A/C unit fail and it had to be ripped out of my 950 sq ft. place. They had the front door open for 7 hours to the pouring rain whilst they removed the 20 yr old air handler, and stirred up dust, mold, and god knows what else. Immediately thereafter...
  5. Surfsidesindy

    Nasal basaloid ductular Carcinoma/ Update/ Questions re: Claritin/Nebulizer ANTECH and they suggested to start Piper on Piroxicam for this particular tumor. We are going to wait a few more days to let the Depo Medrol shot wear off. Our vet doesn't think it would be a problem to go ahead and start now but Piper had a 1 mL shot of Depo Medrol 20 ml on January 5th...
  6. L

    affection eating tips

    depo medrol. and she got a half dose too b/c we (the vet and i) were worried about throwing off my girl.
  7. lizzie

    Dental safety for a cat with mild asthma

    ...I sneak my nebulizer (albuterol) close to her when I'm taking a treatment and it helps.When it doesn't,off to the vet she goes and gets a depo medrol shot,which works wonders.She too was in need of a dental,and I asked my vet about the asthma.He said he may have to give her another shot...
  8. S

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions is what they like to do and they are good at it. Once it is done, it is done and your cat will feel better and you won’t have to think about it again. Sure there might be things to alleviate some symptoms, but those are temporary fixes snd with depo medrol, also have associated risks.
  9. S

    Why won't my vet allow me to use injectable steroids

    ...steroids like Winstrol V is what is abused, not dexamethasone. That said there are more side effects with injectable. There is a combo of depo Medrol and dexamethasone that was used at the cat hospital and lasted a few weeks to a month. We would send the injection home with people for their...
  10. Rysiek

    Polyps/Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome

    ...including tongue... I think the mass under his tongue had been irritated again... Also, he had his steroid and antibiotics three weeks ago, so I assume they stopped (antibiotics, two weeks depo) and are about to stop working (depo medrol). He is still on anytinflamatory, lexicon once a day...
  11. FeebysOwner

    Skin problem

    ...Or there is still something going with his ears, and he is scratching them to the point of irritating the skin. Either way, if you think depo medrol makes him lethargic, ask for another anti-inflammatory instead. The chamomile tea, as mentioned above, is a good interim home remedy but take...
  12. white shadow

    Eosinophilic Granuloma

    . Hi @blueyedgirl5946 - it's been aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages since I've seen you around! Interesting location for this, first time I'm hearing of an oral presentation. One tidbit that I remember and will drop for you is that it's often caused by a transient allergen, something 'passing by' on a...
  13. FriendofFerals

    Allergy medication advice

    Hello everyone, I'm blessed with TWO cats with allergies. Cat #1 (Squeaky) has severe environmental and food allergies, and asthma. Cat #2 (Romeo) has allergic sinusitis and frequent IRUs...along with other issues. Squeaky is on Depo-Medrol every 6 weeks. He is 16 years old with no CKD or...
  14. CatladyJan

    Depo medrol

    Do you know what all types of flowers your received?
  15. fionasmom

    Cat with Lick granuloma. What do you think would work better Atopica or Depo-medrol shot?

    Search Results for Query: atopica Search Results for Query: depo medrol
  16. Surfsidesindy

    Nasal basaloid ductular Carcinoma/ Update/ Questions re: Claritin/Nebulizer

    ...did say that the prednisolone can also relieve pain. Was your vet concerned about Lucy's behavior on the steroid? Piper had a Depo Medrol prednisone shot after her rhinoscopy on 1/5/24. She acted a little wired-up the first couple days. The injection can stay in their system a long time...
  17. Surfsidesindy

    Nasal basaloid ductular Carcinoma/ Update/ Questions re: Claritin/Nebulizer start her on Piroxicam but I had major reservations with that potentially affecting how she feels and her appetite. She had a shot of Depo Medrol after her rhinoscopy which seemed to really help her, so I was more interested in pursuing a steroid versus NSAID. Luckily, we got into the...
  18. Rysiek

    Skin problem

    ...Anicura cat gel, but with no healing. He does scratch it... Booked appointment for tomorrow. Bit concerned as last time when he got depo medrol he was very lethargic afterwards... But I think he needs to be seen...I will ask to cut his back claws, so he does not scratch so badly. He has been...
  19. K

    IBD - Cat acts like he is starving but refuses food when offered issues other than being a little chunky. In November he started dropping weight and he went from 10 lbs to now 7. We started on depo medrol shots in Jan after initial diagnosis with little improvement after the first until they referred us to the imed. He, of course, fully went off...
  20. FeebysOwner

    12-year old cat won't eat, blood work / ultrasound w/ biopsy done - all normal

    You kind of have to feed him whatever he will eat - so, at least you have one thing he is semi-responsive to. So, another anti-nausea injection, but no follow up pills? I guess he is expecting the Depo-Medrol to kick and help with his lack of appetite thereafter?