Search Results for Query: cat breathing

  1. Ninabob5

    TNR cat with labored breathing

    Hello, We noticed that one of the cats in our community has labored breathing; he is eating, grooming and I was able to check his gums and they look ok. We tried to take him to the vet but he got too nervous and wouldn’t get into the kennel and started panting, he has calmed down now; we...
  2. ForeverHungry

    Occasional noisy breathing

    I have had my beautiful calico for a little over 2 years (4.5 years old). She was found by the shelter in someone's backyard and had a polyp in her ear at the time. The vet removed it when they put her under for spay. Other than some ear infections when I first adopted her, she's been a healthy...
  3. A

    Is my cat having breathing problem?

    One of my cat is approx 11 years old (Don’t know her exact age as she was rescued as an adult). She has been with us for 10 years now. recently while sleeping she makes this noise (video included). She never made this noise before. Is she snoring or is she having any breathing issue? I took her...
  4. dane

    rapid breathing

    Hi, My 3 year old cat was diagnosed with possible ear infection but is not yet ruled out by the vet since they sent us home for observation after I brought Casper to the vet for being disoriented a night before, they said it cannot be the earmites since earmites cannot cause loss in appetite, it...
  5. C

    Heavy breathing

    Hello! Close to a month ago (mid-September) our 10 y/o cat started acting out of character. She was hiding more and acting more lethargic, licking her nose a bunch, and we noticed she seemed like she was breathing heavier. We took her to a new vet where they did a complete workup. All of her...
  6. Daizen

    Rapid breathing only when happy-purring

    Hello! My cat pal Sonny Boy is a wonderful athletic orange tabby. He's a normal healthy boy, I got him when he was about 1 yr 3 mo, and now he's 4. When we have a petting session, he starts purring while rapidly breathing in and out. When he's not purring he breaths normally. He shows no...
  7. L

    Cats breathing: Allergies or

    Hi, My little girl is 10 years old. She has always had strange breathing. I have had many conversations with my vet about it over the years and she does not seem to be very concerned about it. My kitty has never had watering eyes, nasal discharge or any other symptoms that she is ill in any way...
  8. maggie101

    Occasional noisy breathing

    I found an article that may nellp My cat Coco has a small face and noisy breathing though I notice it mostly when she sleeps on the head of my couch Noisy Breathing in Cats
  9. blackstarnoemi

    Why did my cat put her whole face in mine while I was sleeping?

    So last night, I was sick. I set an alarm for me to take my medication. And while I was sleeping I didn't noticed my alarm is already ringing, not until my cat shove her dumb little face on mine and keeps on meowing. I felt her whiskers on my nose, and lips. That's how I woke up. She did this...
  10. S

    Is my cat breathing normal?

    she has been breathing like this since last night seems like she’s struggling to breath but I’m not too sure
  11. L

    Miso is not eating

    what kind of allergies? food allergies? seasonal allergies? how is she breathing? if she is wheezing or making sounds when she breaths it might be an infection of some kind. These differences can be subtle...I didn't notice my cat was doing this but at a vet visit last week my vet noticed it...
  12. G

    My cat breathes very strangely after playing

    She is one year old. Always wants to play. But when she does, she walks away panting and breathing like this. Anyone know what it could be? For context, she plays with my 10 year old cat and he does not walk away panting. here is a link to a video of her breathing: November 25, 2023
  13. maggie101

    What Are Your Cats Doing Right Now?

    Every day my cat makes me fall asleep! She sleeps on my lap purring and breathing at the same time in sinc with my breathing . Good night!
  14. B

    Does this breathing look okay?

    ...extra attention to her breathing. I uploaded a few videos here with dates as the file names. Through Googling normal and abnormal cat breathing, I've come across the term 'paradoxical breathing' which seems to be what she does occasionally, although it's still a little hard for me to...
  15. D


    I had to put my cat down. When I came home from work he was breathing really hard like he was having an asthma attack and was having trouble walking. I don't know if it was an allergic reaction to the appetite stimulant or what but I wasn't putting him through any more.
  16. S

    Anyone have good luck with Feliaway?

    Okay, thanks. There have been times when I put a note on the door to remind me to take something with me but ignored it on my way out. LOL!
  17. T

    Kitten breathing normal?

    Adopted a pair of kittens about a month ago who were rescued from a cat colony outside. They are now about 4 months old but we have noticed the female breathes a little oddly - that is she breathes faster than expected when at full rest, but also somewhat forcefully and irregularly... Here's a...
  18. tml1991

    My cat's breathing and low appetite concern me

    For the couple days, my cat, Lee Lee, has barely eaten, taking only a couple bites at a time and been breathing like this. He behaves pretty much the same, and every time I open a can of something or pour something, he will go to it, take a few bites, then leave it. He never finishes anything...
  19. F

    Experiences with pneumonia?

    Off my other thread; my 20 month old cat died of pneumonia. Around midnight noticed rapid breathing, not eating, general lethargy. We stayed up to see if need to take to emergency, but his condition stayed the same, so took him to vet in morning. After five days despite efforts, he died. He was...
  20. Biomehanika

    Cat scratches the door and meows at 6 am

    Trust me, she’ll be able to hear it. My cat hears my breathing pattern change from the other side of the apartment, realizes I’m no longer asleep, and comes to demand food lol