Recent Content by zoessential

  1. zoessential

    is whiskas wet food good for your cat?

    Thank you for you comment Amykins. I agree, if your cats are happy on the food you are feeding to them, even though it hasn't got the best rating, and you have them checked over regularly, then why change their diet and risk upsetting their system. I have been feeding my cats for years on...
  2. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Snowrosie, as far as ejaculation goes I've never really noticed anything. I suppose there's some, but it's infinitsimal and there's no smell... he's just a little cat... it's not like he's peeing with lots of fluid coming out. My little man is very clean and afterwards he does wash himself, but...
  3. zoessential

    Comment by 'zoessential' in article 'Declawing - Post-surgery Care And Complications'

    Declawing is a crime in Austarlia because it is animal abuse and carries very sever punishments if someone commits this crime. Sick people do this to their pets. 
  4. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Dear Extratoemama, Please don't punish him, it's as you say he's just doing what comes naturally.  My two and a half year old nutered boy started doing the same thing to all my other cats so I got a fluffy, pink, rabbit toy doll and when he started to hump the others, or looked like he was...
  5. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Dear MyCatsMom, Just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear of your sad loss and to offer you my heartfelt condolences. I wish you and Eli happiness and love and here's to success with your new kitten. Sincerely Zoë 9829
  6. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Paradise4ever, P.S. Have just been thinking about what your vet said in regard to not having heard of it before... I think that you need to find another vet. It's something that a vet aught to have at least heard about before. My vet actually has a cat that also started humping at the age of...
  7. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Hello Paradise4ever, My cat Vincent, who was the humper, has virtually stopped humping now. I just gave him the pink, fluffy rabbit and took no notice of him and now the rabbit has been totally forgotten. With your daughter perhaps if you got soft toy like I did (Vincnet's pink, fluffy rabbit...
  8. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Hello MiaAndLoki, My cat started doing this when he was 2 1/2 and he had been neutered at six months and I got him a big fluffy pink rabbit that he gave all his attention to. That was about five or six months ago now and although he does still hump his little pink rabbit it is very rarely now...
  9. zoessential

    Comment by 'zoessential' in media 'Photo-0086.jpg'

    This cat is so exotic.  So beautiful!
  10. zoessential

    Humping, Bloody Discharge

    Hello, I gave my cat a pink, fluffy rabbit and he his happy to hump her and now he is hardly doing it at all.  He has never had bloody discharge though and if your vet is not doing anything I would go to another vet as this is not normal and could be a sign of some infection somewhere.  I have...
  11. zoessential

    My mom passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Lost my mum too. All I can say is that our mums never really leave us, every day I can hear her voice telling me things, like she used to.  She still feels very close by and I believe that she always will be as close as my heart. She still loves you too. 
  12. zoessential

    Humping problem and common causes

    Thank you for this post. I see it was some time ago, 2006, but I have had the same problem with my 2 1/2 year old desexed male cat, and we have just introduced a new cat into the household, so I am going to give this humping little cat a lot more attention from now on.  Thanks again very much.