Recent Content by Xeon_vader

  1. Xeon_vader

    I Screwed Up Big Time.

    Thank you so much! I will do this. Yes I feel terrible and it makes me sad. Before he would rub against me after I came home from work. And while I'd lay in bed he'd jump up and rub his face against mine.
  2. Xeon_vader

    I Screwed Up Big Time.

    I see. Thank you. I will definitely be trying that then. I actually dont have anger issues. failed to mention that this was not the first time he had done this. However, before he had only clawed and hooked my upper thigh. So I just finally had enough. And I also dont think he was scared. It...
  3. Xeon_vader

    I Screwed Up Big Time.

    About a week ago I was in the restroom doing the business. Momo, our cat, was in the restroom as well that's where he sleeps at Night. So, I was doing my business and on my phone watching videos. I could feel Momo reaching up my legs as if to climb. However, I pushed him down because I was using...