Recent Content by Tonita

  1. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    I would love to hear from those of you who take your cats outside with a harness and leash. I've put the harness on Simba a few times with the expected reaction to it. Then it got too hot to continue. I'm thinking maybe I can just put it on him with the leash and carry him downstairs and...
  2. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    Where I live I can only have one pet and he's it.
  3. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    I left a light on last night. He pulled the bottom half off the baseboard heater. He didn't settle at all. This cat could be sound asleep at my feet but if I get up to use the bathroom, he gets up to follow me. The "calming" treats don't seem to help.
  4. T

    Was Hoping To Never Have This Problem Again...

    My guess is that you never got rid of the odor of cat urine from the other cat. I don't think you can ever get rid of it honestly.
  5. T

    Hope It Is O.k To Post Here.. Regarding Vicious Cat That Dug It's Claws In Me

    You need to get to the doctor immediately. Cat bites and scratches can land you in the hospital with a nasty infection. What is your neighbor's cat doing in your house? You need to stop this and make sure this cat is neutered and vaccinated. Notify them right away of what's happened. This...
  6. T

    Sad Situation - Please Help

    I would guess that just as with dog breeders, there are questionable breeders of cats as well. This doesn't sound like the disposition of the Siberian cat. Is the cat neutered? Has it had a check up recently including the mouth and teeth?
  7. T

    Cat Scared. Any Advice Please

    Is it possible he got shocked by something? Static, etc? Have you picked him up since this incident to see if he's injured? Does he come out to eat, drink and use the litterbox?
  8. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    The previous owner told me that he hid all day. They had his brother, a dog, two kids, mom, dad and grandma. Very active household. She told me that he probably would rather have a space of his own. Before he came, I prepared the apartment for a cat. He only hides now if someone else comes...
  9. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    A lot of my cats were active at night, either with each other or alone with a toy. I never had a cat act like this. I bought some calming treats and I'll see if those work. Ear plugs won't work because he's physical too on my bed. As for play, he does like to play but he won't keep his...
  10. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    He is very pretty! He loves to be brushed and I brush him every day. He's not lacking in attention. I play with him at least once per day with different toys. As I mentioned, I've never had a cat like this before and I've had many, many of them over my lifetime. This is the first one that...
  11. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    I think his behavior goes a little beyond normal. Maybe a little neurotic. He is persistent. I've shut him out of the bedroom and he somehow opened the door. I use a spritz bottle and he runs but immediately comes right back. I'm up and down all night. I do have neighbors to consider as...
  12. T

    "new" Cat Behavior

    Hello everyone. Let me say first that I am 67 years old, retired but have had cats, dogs and horses most of my adult life. I'm a professional groomer and have worked for years in animal hospitals as a groomer and assistant tech. I apologize in advance if this gets too long. Having said all...