Recent Content by ThatKat

  1. ThatKat

    Goodbye and thank you my dear friend

    She lived 18 good years of life and has been with me all through mine up until this day. She had to be put down due to kidney failure. There was nothing we could do but end her pain. She couldn't eat and she couldn't drink either. I'm just so devastated now. I will miss seeing her walk around...
  2. ThatKat


    Thank you for reaching out to me with sympathy. I just got back from the vet. I can't remember the exact words they said but her kidneys were rapidly failing. They were too worn out to revive, so we had to put her to sleep. I wish I could respond with a much happier ending though. I hope I don't...
  3. ThatKat


    I forgot to mention, I will be taking her into the vet tomorrow. Unfortunately I can't do it any sooner.
  4. ThatKat


    I'm not quite sure how this site works yet as I am new but, my elderly(18yrs) cat I drooling a lot and won't eat at all. She won't drink either. I did let her out to get some fresh air a few days ago. I'm scared she may have rabies but could it be something else? She is really old. Her movements...