Recent Content by Sunny23

  1. Sunny23

    Should We Adopt A Cat?

    Thank you all again for your thoughtful replies! I did talk with my husband again, and he said that his biggest concern was having a cat that often scratched and/or bit our children (occasional occurrences are to be expected). Since this seemed reasonable, I did visit the cat that I was...
  2. Sunny23

    Should We Adopt A Cat?

    Great points, again, @talkingpeanut. I am just going to have to have a serious discussion with him tonight about realistic expectations about normal cat behavior. Even if I can somehow turn myself into a master cat trainer, the cat will never behave "perfectly" all of the time. Either he...
  3. Sunny23

    Should We Adopt A Cat?

    @ArtNJ, great point! I did ask about trimming nails. They said that the cat does not like it, and they have to do one nail at a time. So, that's something I'd need to work on. But, I think that trimming the nails, while lessening any damage from scratching, won't completely prevent damage...
  4. Sunny23

    Should We Adopt A Cat?

    You are all wonderful! Thank you so much for your terrific advice! I agree that we need to be clear about expectations, and that those expectations should be reasonable. Right now, his are not. I can't turn this cat into a dog, and I'm already feeling anxious about any behavior missteps...
  5. Sunny23

    Should We Adopt A Cat?

    Thank you, @MargoLane! My husband and I continued our conversation last night. It looks like where we stand now is I will meet the cat by myself first, and, if I fall in love and think it is a great match for our family, then we will all meet the cat. We will only go through with the adoption...
  6. Sunny23

    Should We Adopt A Cat?

    Hi everyone! This is my first post and I'd love to get some honest opinions. I would like to adopt a cat, but my husband does not. We've had a few cats in the past, before children. He started out not minding cats, but grew to not like them and feels that they're selfish, demanding, and not...