Recent Content by socaffeinated

  1. S

    High Anxiety? Adopted Kitty Struggling! Help!

    What an asshole that former owner is. The cat is lucky to have you. I’m no expert but just wanted to say it sounds like you’re doing somebody great things. Hopefully the more experienced cat owners here can give more advice. I was just thinking, what if you start playing with her more to bring...
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    Bone Broth

    Got it. I probably worry too much about my cat lol.
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    At Wit's End With Cat

    What about a litter box cover that looks like furniture (like below)? It wouldn't be so noticeable in a living room. I live in NYC so totally sympathize on the small living spaces situation. But cleaning up poop on the floor daily isn't sustainable. Sometimes we have to think from the cat's...
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    Teeth Care?

    I "brush" my cat's teeth every night with a little finger brush and the Virbac C.E.T. Poultry toothpaste. She likes the flavour a lot so that makes it easier. I started acclimatizing her by rubbing my finger around her mouth and opening her mouth till she got used to that. Then I started using...
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    Bone Broth

    Thanks for the advice. I didn't think about the potential problems with minerals. The chicken water idea sounds promising and easy enough for this non-chef. Hmm..might try that. Some websites also recommended drops of tuna water but I heard fish was bad for cats so I'm trying to avoid it.
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    Bone Broth

    good idea thanks - especially since it's boiling this summer.
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    Bone Broth

    I put way more than a tablespoon of water! That's probably why. I added a tablespoon to her dinner just now and encountered no resistance. She has an all wet food diet BUT she only pees about 3 times a day. That doesn't seem enough to me?
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    Bone Broth

    Oh I didn't know that, thanks. Will do some more digging...
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    Bone Broth

    Hi guys - looking for opinions on the following broth products, any personal experiences? Does the sodium level/ingredients look ok for long-term supplemental use? I'm hoping to increase my cat's liquid intake since she never seems to drink from her water fountain. Also tried putting water in...
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    Obnoxious Behavior Hours Before Mealtime

    What about an automatic feeder?
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    The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

    Omg that sounds adorable. Yes I love needy cats too. My furball loves to nap in my arms, as in me cradling her like a baby. But she is 10lbs and growing so it's a real workout. Agree with the other posters too that the medical forums are difficult to read. But I find them very informational...
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    The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

    It breaks my heart a little to see posts like "help, my cat is too needy" on this site, where the poster's main complaint is that the cat just wants to be near them. Or "help, my cat meows when they're hungry" Like jesus christ get a stuffed animal if you want something cute that never eats...
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    Dr Gatsby Whisker Fatigue Bowls

    I have the Gatsby bowl and like it so far. I find it really easy to clean and the rubber base it comes with prevents the bowl from slipping around. I give my cat about 2.5 ounces of wet food per meal and she usually manages to keep most of it in the bowl without pushing any out. However, she's...
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    Need New Toys And Games For A Huntress

    I hear you on the being exhausted after work thing. I found a great option for play which also allows me to sit. Basically you get a wand toy and poke ignore out slightly from under a blanket/duvet, enticing the cat to pounce. I arrange the blanket in a semicircle shape so I can easily move the...
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    Cat Swallowed Thread

    fantastic! thanks for updating us as well.