Recent Content by SMC_22

  1. SMC_22

    Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma

    Anyone who has a cat suffering from lymphoma should look into ozone treatment. Ozone Therapy: A Powerful Cancer Treatment & Healing Protocol I have been using this for my cat at my vets office. Lymphoma cells do not like oxygen. there are many cases proving that ozone kills the lymphoma cells...
  2. SMC_22

    Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma

    Did all the alternative medicines you used work? My cat was diagnosed with lymphoma in his chest.
  3. SMC_22

    Magnesphere Treatment For Many Health Issues - Medical Breakthrough For Pets!!!

    Pebbles ruptured a disc in his lower spine that was pinching the nerves, causing the signal from his brain to his legs to not connect. Through the use of the magnesphere and laser therapy his nerves were regenerated and his body began to heal itself, also reducing the inflammation. Thank you for...
  4. SMC_22

    Magnesphere Treatment For Many Health Issues - Medical Breakthrough For Pets!!!

    My cat Pebbles had complete paralysis of his back legs back in Sept. 2016. I was told by a neurologist that they would not do surgery because even with surgery, he would most likely never get the use of his legs back. I was devastated and started thinking about alternative veterinary medicine...