Recent Content by scarletfire

  1. S

    Kitten cannot meow post-spay

    Thanks everyone. She eats, poops and pees normally, although she takes a significantly longer time to eat now. I've called the vet and left a message. How long did it take your cats for their voice to become normal?
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    Lily and Drew

    Hi all! I recently adopted Lily (complete black) and Drew (tuxedo). Drew was extremely shy / wary / cautious, but he has grown quite attached for the bubbly and active Lily! Now they actually sleep together periodically! Here's a few videos of these two! Lily plays fetch Drew and the red dot
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    Kitten cannot meow post-spay

    Hi all, I recently adopted 2 kittens from an adoption agency, currently doing foster-to-adopt. One of them, Lily, was spayed on Nov 25, 2019 (exactly 1 week ago). Since then, she cannot meow. She also has periodic dry coughing and she licks her lips right after, most likely because she was...